Launch Event 9 July | New initiative takes on the antibiotic innovation challenge
The world is losing its most powerful tool in healthcare: antibiotics. The reason is rapidly rising antibiotic-resistant infections – also called antimicrobial resistance, or AMR.
The world needs new antibiotics to stem the toll superbugs are having on patients, but there are few in the pipeline. This is the result of a long-standing paradox: despite the huge societal costs of AMR, there is currently no viable market for new antibiotics. In the long run, the uncontrolled rise of AMR could have public health and economic consequences greater than COVID-19. But unlike COVID-19, AMR is a predictable and preventable crisis – we must take action now.
IFPMA represents the innovative pharmaceutical industry at the international level, engaging in official relations with the United Nations and multilateral organizations. Our vision is to ensure that scientific progress translates into the next generation of medicines and vaccines that deliver a healthier future for people everywhere.
To achieve this, we act as a trusted partner, bringing our members' expertise to champion pharmaceutical innovation, drive policy that supports the research, development, and delivery of health technologies, and create sustainable solutions that advance global health.