Report 31 January 2021

The African Medicines Agency



We call upon all countries to ratify the AMA Treaty to enable the operational implementation of the continental regulatory system that will benefit patients, regulators, industry and healthcare systems in Africa.

In addition to improving public health and life quality in Africa, a strong regulatory system will open perspectives for pharmaceutical industry, medical research and development. AMA has the unique opportunity to become one of the most efficient and modern regulatory systems in the world.

This opportunity can rapidly transform into reality, by using the experience gained from a decade of harmonization activities in the continent, learnings gained during the pandemic and the swift implementation of modern and innovative solutions.

  • We support harmonization of all regulatory activities spanning the full product life cycle with clear roles and responsibilities at country, regional and continental level amongst all regulators
  • We support AUDA-NEPAD’s efforts at the country, regional and continental level to ensure that at least 15 countries ratify the treaty in a timely manner
  • We appeal to all national regulators and healthcare stakeholders to advocate for AMA Treaty ratification and ensure that the AMA becomes a reality