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Statement 12 Oct 2017

IFPMA-EFPIA Statement – Global call for action on drug-resistant infections, 12-13 October 2017, Berlin (Conference organized by Wellcome Trust)

IFPMA-EFPIA Statement Global call for action on drug-resistant infections, 12-13 October 2017, Berlin Conference organized by Wellcome Trust in partnership with the UK, Ghanaian and Thai governments and the UN Foundation The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is the world’s biggest public-private partnership in life sciences between the EU (represented by the European Commission) and the...

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Expert insight 27 May 2016

Smart Thinking for Healthy Lifestyles

This blog was originally posted in Diplomatic Courier Since the start of this millennium, we have witnessed many success stories in global health. Death from infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis have been cut in half. A child is twice as likely to survive past their fifth birthday than he or she was fifteen year ago....

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Expert insight 26 Mar 2020

Interview – BBC World Newshour – Biopharmaceutical industry commitments on COVID-19

Thomas Cueni, IFPMA Director General, spoke to BBC Newshour on 19 March about the commitments made by the global pharmaceutical industry in addressing the COVID-19 global health crisis. Industry has the tools and solutions to fight and defeat the novel strain of coronavirus. In this unique situation, industry commits to tackle this issue collaboratively – not just among the industry,...

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Expert insight 13 Oct 2023

How will vaccines save us from future threats?

The groundbreaking work of Professors Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman was recently recognized, as they were awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Their award was recognition for the research that ultimately enabled the development of safe and effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, and which has now spurred further research into how the...

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Press release 28 Nov 2017

Press Release: 3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa

*3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa* PRESS RELEASE, 27 November 2017, Accra – Ghana    Significant strides have been made over the years to enhance and modernize the regulation of pharmaceutical manufacturing and product quality across the world. However, the drug registration system in Africa remains complex and varied, and separate...

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Press release 4 May 2020

Pharma Joins Global Pledge Committing to Work Together to Beat COVID-19

Geneva, 4 May, 2020: The world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies today reaffirmed the industry’s commitment to join forces to ensure that its breadth of expertise in therapeutics (research, clinical development, manufacturing) is shared across the scientific community as part of the global fight against COVID-19. Today, the industry recommitted at the Coronavirus Global Response Pledging Marathon,...

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Press release 28 Sep 2021

African research foundation partners with international pharmaceutical industry to strengthen capacity for health innovation in Africa

28 September 2021, Cape Town/Geneva – H3D-Foundation (H3D-F) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) announced today a three-year partnership to strengthen capacity for health innovation in Africa. The two organizations will combine forces to focus on driving capacity strengthening for drug discovery and development in Africa by scaling existing initiatives and...

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Expert insight 2 Apr 2014

Pharma innovation – giving value for value received

The Chief Innovation Officer of the company that invented the way crisps in a tube are packed (rather than the wasteful packages full of air) coined the phrase: “What we’ve done to encourage innovation is make it ordinary.” The bio-pharmaceutical scientists and researchers deal with more complex issues than the humble potato crisp, such as...

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Expert insight 14 Nov 2017

Stand and deliver – practical steps to stop antibiotic resistance

This blog was first published on Life Science Leader and Pharma Times on 14 November 2017. Stand and deliver – practical steps to stop antibiotic resistance It is rapidly becoming the world’s biggest killer. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on course to overtake cancer (8.2 million annual deaths) and account for 10m deaths a year by...

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Expert insight 29 Jan 2020

Creating Synergies To Beat Neglected Diseases

This article was originally published in Life Science Leader on January 29, 2020. A staggering 1.5 billion people, each year, are treated for a neglected tropical disease (NTDs). These diseases can be painful, blinding and disfiguring, keeping children out of school and adults out of work, are often attached to stigma in some community. These diseases are...

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