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Expert insight 20 Mar 2017

Dispelling myths from facts in the drugs cost conundrum

It is quite amazing how health policy discussions are often held in a distorted and simplified manner. Nowhere does this apply more than in discussions on drugs and the pharmaceutical industry. Although a large portion of public health spending is accounted for by hospitals, doctors, other health care personnel, and services, the pharmaceutical industry is...

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Expert insight 25 Feb 2021

New principles on incentivizing antibiotic R&D

Antibiotics have transformed healthcare. But today, the ubiquitous use of these live-saving drugs has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Once-treatable diseases like common infections of the bloodstream, urinary or respiratory tracts are becoming more difficult to treat using these tools. Combating drug resistance means facing a silent pandemic that could dwarf the impact...

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Expert insight 21 Jul 2021

Enabling the next generation of African Health Leaders for the road ahead

At this year’s regional World Health Summit in Uganda, we had the pleasure of showcasing the research fellows that IFPMA has been supporting as part of the Chatham House African Public Health Leaders fellowship program since 2016 in an event titled “Will COVID-19 dictate a new paradigm in Africa?” This event was a unique opportunity...

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Expert insight 18 Nov 2021

Youth perspective: The AMR burden and opportunities to overcome it

Sometimes dubbed the “silent pandemic,” Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a natural phenomenon that occurs when microorganisms such as bacteria adapt after repeated exposure to antibiotics, rendering treatments ineffective. It has been at the top of the global health agenda for many years, and young professionals in healthcare are acutely aware of it.

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Statement 24 May 2014

WHA 67, Item 16.5, Combating antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance

IFPMA Statement, WHA 67, Item 16.5, Combating antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance Delivered by Mr Mario Ottiglio, Director, Global Health Policy & Public Affairs, on 24 May 2014 Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across...

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Statement 6 Apr 2020

IFPMA remarks on intellectual property management and the global response to COVID-19

 In the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), biopharmaceuticals companies are focusing significant amounts of their resources on the immediate task ahead, which requires pushing the boundaries of science, developing workable solutions and ensuring there is capacity to scale up manufacture once solutions are found, while at the same time ensuring continuity of global supply for critical products. This approach is bearing fruit, with a large number of competitive leads for treatments and vaccines already identified for testing in just a matter of a couple of months.

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Press release 28 May 2020

Pharma partners in efforts to give coronavirus vaccine for everyone

Geneva, 28 May 2020. IFPMA has today updated the world’s media on the biopharmaceutical industry’s unprecedented efforts, many of them in collaboration with others, to speed up research and development for a new COVID-19 vaccine. The body representing the global biopharmaceutical industry also highlighted at the briefing that plans are underway to scale up manufacturing...

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Statement 13 Oct 2020

Biopharmaceutical industry support EU regulators exceptional transparency measures and call other regulatory authorities to follow suit to help ensure confidence in the science and the decision-making

Geneva, 13 October 2020: IFPMA & EFPIA support European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) initiative to implement exceptional transparency measures that are targeting regulatory activities for the assessment and approval of medicines and vaccines for COVID-19.[1] The biopharmaceutical industry represented by IFPMA and EFPIA encourage other national regulatory authorities to follow EMA’s example. The European Medicines Agency...

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Press release 18 Feb 2021

The AMR Action Fund announces its first non-industry investments, raising an additional US$140 million toward addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

The AMR Action Fund, launched in July 2020, aims to bring 2 to 4 new antibiotics to patients by the end of the decade and facilitate needed long-term solutions FEBRUARY 18, 2021, BOSTON — Today, the AMR Action Fund announced its first initial close with non-pharmaceutical industry investments of more than US$140 million from the...

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Press release 4 Apr 2022

Largest pharmaceutical industry-backed collective venture fund tackling antimicrobial resistance announces first portfolio investments

April 4, 2022, Geneva – The international trade body representing the biopharmaceutical industry (IFPMA) today welcomes the announcement of the AMR Action Fund’s first portfolio investments. The Fund is the world’s largest public-private partnership investing in biotech companies that are developing antibiotics, involving more than 20 leading biopharmaceutical companies who raised the majority of the...

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