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Press release 19 May 2021

Five steps to urgently advance COVID-19 vaccine equity

Innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies are at the forefront of the global effort to develop and manufacture COVID-19 vaccines.

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Statement 21 May 2021

COVID-19 vaccine makers invite G20 leaders to support the five steps to urgently advance COVID-19 vaccine equity

21 May 2021 – Innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies are at the forefront of the global effort to develop and manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. Despite a massive effort to scale up and produce billions of vaccine doses, COVID-19 vaccines currently are not equally reaching all priority populations worldwide. The innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies...

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Statement 24 May 2021

WHA 74 – IFPMA-ICBA-GSCF Statement on agenda item 17

WHA 74 – Constituency Statement on agenda item 17 WHO’s work in health emergencies and strengthening preparedness for health emergencies and agenda item 18 mental health preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic IFPMA and GSCF, supported by ICBA, welcome the opportunity to make this constituency statement in relation to agenda item 17 on...

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Statement 13 Sep 2021

Report of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development at the WHO EURO 71st Regional Committee: Presentation of recommendations and conclusions

13 September 2021, Geneva – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) are pleased to contribute this statement to the 71st WHO Regional Committee meeting for Europe. EFPIA and IFPMA represent Europe’s and the world’s leading research-based biopharmaceutical companies, as well as national...

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Statement 17 Oct 2023

IFPMA Statement at the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) 35

On 17 October in Geneva, IFPMA submitted  a statement at the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) 35.

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page 17 Oct 2022

Strengthening regulatory systems

The work of regulatory authorities at national, local, and global levels is vital to make sure safe, effective, and quality-assured medical products are always available at the right time.

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Report 19 May 2022

R&D-based pharmaceutical industry’s innovative partnerships to meet urgent global supply needs

This report highlights a select few collaborations with IFPMA companies, and details the innovative methods in which these collaborations are working to meet urgent global supply needs.

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Report 14 Sep 2023

Action on NCDs: How the innovative pharmaceutical industry helps bridge the care gap

In the spirit of the Global Week for Action on NCDs, this report reiterates the long-standing commitment of the innovative pharmaceutical industry to bring innovative solutions, bridge the NCDs care gap, and accelerate Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Expert insight 8 Apr 2013

Working to dispel the misperception that incremental innovation is trivial

Incremental innovation is the term used for subsequent improvements made to a “first-in-class” medicine, but it is often incorrectly associated with prolonging the patent term for an existing medicine which is not the case. Indeed, once the patent exclusivity period of the existing “first-in-class” patent has expired, any firm, regardless of patenting related to improvements...

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Expert insight 1 Nov 2016

Pharmacists’ role in flu prevention

Pharmacists’ role in flu prevention According to recent World Health Organization (WHO) data, in South America flu and other respiratory viruses declined in most countries. Overall, taking the flu shot is the best way to avoid the flu. When fewer people get the vaccine, the virus spreads more quickly, meaning more people are exposed to it and...

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