77th WHO SEARO Regional Committee: Agenda items 8.2 and 9.6 on NCDs and UHC
On 9 October 2024 in New Delhi, India, IFPMA delivered a statement at the 77th WHO SEARO Regional Committee on Agenda items 8.2 and 9.6: NCDs and UHC.
IFPMA welcomes the agenda items on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and UHC and WHO’s continued efforts to tackle one of the greatest health challenges of our lifetimes. A life-course approach to tackling NCDs is critical given the unsustainable pressures the rising burden of chronic conditions and co-morbidities are placing on healthcare systems worldwide.
Ahead of the 4th High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025, we must focus our efforts on achieving UHC on the ground. This cannot be done without placing comprehensive access to NCD care for all at the core. Prevention, early detection, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and care must be prioritized in essential benefits packages for NCDs.
Alongside our collective advocacy efforts to keep NCDs high on the global agenda, we need to develop innovative health technologies and solutions that work for all people living with NCDs and a need for optimal disease-management. We urge WHO to leverage the capabilities of all non-State actors committed to finding appropriate ways forward to improve access to quality diagnostics and treatments for those living with NCDs, including the private sector.
We remain committed to working with others to build access solutions and contribute toward stronger health systems to improving the lives of people living with NCDs. Meeting UHC objectives cannot be achieved without clear prioritization of NCD management and care by national governments, and meaningful investment in primary healthcare as the foundation of a healthier, more sustainable future for all.
IFPMA represents the innovative pharmaceutical industry at the international level, engaging in official relations with the United Nations and multilateral organizations. Our vision is to ensure that scientific progress translates into the next generation of medicines and vaccines that deliver a healthier future for people everywhere.
To achieve this, we act as a trusted partner, bringing our members' expertise to champion pharmaceutical innovation, drive policy that supports the research, development, and delivery of health technologies, and create sustainable solutions that advance global health.