Video 21 Oct 2013

Biotherapeutic medicine workshop in Russia, 2013

International Regulatory Workshop Biotherapeutic Meidicines Regulatory Challenges and current practices. Approaches for harmonization.

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Video 18 Oct 2013

Biotherapeutic medicine workshop in Russia

International Regulatory Workshop Biotherapeutic Medicines Regulatory Challenges and current practices. Approaches for harmonization.

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Video 18 Oct 2013

Biotherapeutic medicine workshop in Russia

International Regulatory Workshop Biotherapeutic Meidicines Regulatory Challenges and current practices. Approaches for harmonization. Day 2. Session 1 Immunological safety, pharmacovigiliance and risk minimization programs for the biological products.      

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Video 17 Oct 2013

Biotherapeutic medicine workshop in Russia

International Regulatory Workshop Biotherapeutic Meidicines Regulatory Challenges and current practices. Approaches for harmonization. Day 1 – Session 1 Approaches to regulation of biotherapeutic medicines. Global and regional perspective

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Statement 10 Oct 2013

MhGAP forum, Geneva, October 7, 2013

IFPMA Statement at mhGAP Forum, Geneva, October 7, 2013 Delivered by Mario Ottiglio, Director, Global Health Policy & Public Affairs  Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this leading discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations worldwide. IFPMA highly commends the WHO Secretariat for its...

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Expert insight 10 Oct 2013

Do You Mind?

Last May the WHO launched its Global Action Plan on Mental Health. This plan captures years of hard work and offers a clear road map to tackle a global health priority. Mental and neurological disorders—MNDs—go too often silent and yet exert a paramount toll on individuals, societies, and the economy. The plan also gives the...

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Video 4 Oct 2013

Never stop advancing – incremental innovation (Spanish subtitles)

This video illustrates the value of innovation — both revolutionary and incremental — in the biopharmaceutical field. With a specific focus on incremental innovation, it explains how the continuous investments in R&D, and consequent advances in available treatments, have bettered the lives of millions patients all around the world.

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Press release 22 Sep 2013

Research-based pharmaceutical industry calls for public-private sector engagement to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and in planning new development agenda

Since the MDGs’ launch, many notable health successes resulted from coordinated actions by many contributors from public and private sectors and civil society. Pharmaceutical companies lead over 220 partnerships to strengthen health systems and improve peoples’ health in low- and middle-income countries. Research-based pharmaceutical industry’s contributions to improving health demonstrate its unique role as partner...

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Expert insight 20 Sep 2013

Need to Shake-Up Primary Care and Inject Innovation to Stand a Chance to Tackle NCDs

This week I am writing from New York where I am following UN meetings on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This is an important milestone as the international community has its final chance to have a say about how well or bad the world has done to achieve the MDGs. The focus from next week...

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Report 16 Sep 2013

Sustainable health and multi-stakeholder action: Lessons learned from the MDGs

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Infographic 16 Sep 2013

Sustainable health and multi-stakeholder action: lessons learned from the MDGs

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Report 15 Sep 2013

Similar biotherapeutic products: Scientific & regulatory considerations

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