Video 1 Oct 2014

IFPMA 2014 interview series on ‘How Pharma is responding to the Ebola outbreak’

Faced with the current sudden outbreak of Ebola, the World Health Organization (WHO) consulted experts and researchers engaged in Ebola therapies and vaccines research and development (R&D) in 4-5 September 2014. They decided to expedite the development of two of the most advanced vaccines identified so far: One developed by GlaxoSmithKline in collaboration with the...

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Video 1 Oct 2014

IFPMA 2014 interview series on ‘The R&D challenges in tackling Ebola’

This IFPMA video interview with Ripley Ballou, who’s in charge of GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK’s) Ebola vaccine program in Rixensart, Belgium, was recorded soon after Ebola scientists and representatives from companies and regulatory bodies met at the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, 4-5 September, to discuss how to speed up clinical development of vaccines,...

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Press release 1 Oct 2014

Partnering to learn more about prevention of non-communicable diseases

Thais want a happy family life and to be healthy, but find it challenging to change behavior.   1 October 2014, Bangkok – The Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PReMA), The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) released a joint report...

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Infographic 30 Sep 2014

La convention Médicrime – infographic

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Expert insight 29 Sep 2014

Constantly Innovating

Pushing the boundaries of innovation is at the core of the pharmaceutical industry. However, it’s also the “business model” for many diseases. Microbes, including bacteria and viruses, are constantly evolving to cloak themselves from being affected by antimicrobial medicines.  Similarly, aggressive cancers are increasingly becoming unresponsive to first line treatments.  In order to stay ahead...

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Infographic 25 Sep 2014

Hepatitis C Infographic

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Report 23 Sep 2014

Towards a sustainable, intersectoral approach to viral hepatitis

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Video 23 Sep 2014

IFPMA 2014 interview series ‘What’s an innovation ecosystem from an industry perspective’

    In this interview IFPMA President, Dr John Lechleiter, talks about vital components of the innovation ecosystem that need to be in place to bring value to patients. Dr Lechleiter discusses the need for an enabling environment that allows for greater investments in R&D through adequate incentives and efficient allocation of human and financial...

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Report 20 Sep 2014

The case for achieving healthy lives at all ages: A contribution to the post-2015 UN sustainable development goals

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Video 15 Sep 2014

4 healthy habits

The four main NCDs – cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes – kill three in five people worldwide, with 80% of NCD-related deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. While 50% of NCDs are avoidable, they share four main behavioural risk factors: tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, insufficient physical activity, and unhealthy...

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Expert insight 10 Sep 2014

Smart Testing in Personalised Healthcare – ctDNA is Set to Change the Companion Diagnostic Landscape

In the pursuit of truly personalised healthcare, AstraZeneca has entered into partnerships with Roche and QIAGEN for the clinical development of novel diagnostic tests based on circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA). These tests will move us to the next generation of companion diagnostics by allowing detection of recognised tumour mutations based on accurate analysis of minute quantities...

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Report 9 Sep 2014

2 fields, 1 goal: Protecting the integrity of science and sport

The purpose of this booklet is to provide practical guidance for identifying pipeline compounds with a potential for sports-related abuse and for sharing this information with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

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