Report 25 Jan 2015

Technology transfer: a collaborative approach to improve global health

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Infographic 23 Jan 2015

A check-list for transferring technologies

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Infographic 23 Jan 2015

Maintaining the vaccines innovation edge

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Infographic 23 Jan 2015

The Exciting journey of a vaccine

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Infographic 23 Jan 2015

Eliminating roadblocks along the delivery route

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Report 22 Jan 2015

Innovation for a healthier world: How the research-based vaccine manufacturers are contributing to the Decade of vaccines action plan

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Statement 20 Jan 2015

IFPMA statement in support of 2015 Gavi replenishment

Geneva, 22 January 2015. On the occasion of the 2nd Gavi Replenishment meeting, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and & Associations (IFPMA) and its member companies stand committed to support the Decade of Vaccines Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) and its key goals. Vaccines are recognized as one of the most cost-effective health interventions,...

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Video 16 Dec 2014

IFPMA season’s greetings

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Video 11 Dec 2014

Young innovators in the spotlight: Dr. Rajesh Panjabi

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Video 11 Dec 2014

Young innovators in the spotlight: Mr. Bright Simons

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Video 11 Dec 2014

Young innovators in the spotlight: Dr. Mamta Kapoor Bhushan

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Video 11 Dec 2014

Keynote presentation by Prof. Ian Goldin

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