Position paper 25 May 2016

Pharmacy-mediated substitution for similar biotherapeutic products

‘Pharmacy-mediated substitution is defined as a framework permitting substitution of biotherapeutics at the pharmacy level without the consent of the prescribing physician. IFPMA believes there should be a distinction in public health policy between this type of substitution and the type of switching performed under medical supervision. The following policy position developed by IFPMA is...

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Infographic 25 May 2016

Understanding psoriasis

Psoriasis was recognized for the first time as a serious non-communicable disease at the World Health Assembly in 2014. To help bring the public health impact of psoriasis into focus and to help raise awareness of the range of ways that psoriasis can affect peoples’ lives, IFPMA presents the recommendations from the WHO Global report...

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Position paper 24 May 2016

IFPMA Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources: position paper

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Statement 19 May 2016

ABPI, EFPIA, and IFPMA issue joint statement on AMR

ABPI, EFPIA and IFPMA issue joint statement following publication of the final report by the Review on AMR The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) have today issued a joint statement following the publication of...

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Statement 18 May 2016

UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines – submissions A, B, C, 26 February 2016

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Infographic 17 May 2016

Combating hypertension

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Report 17 May 2016

Hypertension: putting the pressure on the silent killer

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Press release 11 May 2016

Partnership launched to tackle cervical cancer in Africa

  Brazzaville/Kigali, 11 May 2016 – Ongoing efforts to prevent and control cervical cancer in the African Region have received a significant boost following the announcement of a pioneering partnership between the World Health Organization African Region (WHO AFRO) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA). The new partnership, “AFRO Comprehensive Cervical...

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Infographic 11 May 2016

Improving the odds for early diagnosis of cervical cancer in Africa

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Video 4 May 2016

IFPMA 2016 Geneva Pharma Forum on Biotherapeutics – Long version

Watch what healthcare stakeholders and regulatory experts are saying today about the opportunities & challenges facing biotherapeutic medicines. On more details of this event, click here: http://ifpma.org/events-2/biotherapeutic-medicines-a-winning-formula-for-patients/

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Expert insight 2 May 2016

Eliminating a ‘silent killer’: innovative sources of financing to help meet costs of prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis – a silent, but preventable epidemic Recent breakthroughs in available treatment options and the broader objectives of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) make the WHO target of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030 feasible. Earlier this week, the WHO issued updated guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis C infection, to “promote the transition...

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Expert insight 26 Apr 2016

An important milestone in the search for an Ebola vaccine

It seems there is always a new story in the media about an emerging health threat. Right now, understandably, there is significant public concern about the spread of the Zika virus.

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