Video 21 Sep 2017

How far have we come in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease?

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Expert insight 19 Sep 2017

What you need to know about dementia so that you don’t forget

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia, a disease that affects almost 150,000 people in Switzerland. It is the third most frequent cause of death in the country, costing over CHF 7 billion a year – and as many as 400,000 predominantly elderly Swiss people may live...

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Expert insight 18 Sep 2017

The trade routes of counterfeits

I have not forgotten the Chinese taxi driver who wanted to sell me a Rolex for $100 in Singapore a while back. Nor have I forgotten his absolute fury when I laughed and told him that if I wanted to buy a fake Rolex, I could have done it in Bangkok for $5. Since then,...

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Video 1 Sep 2017

Murray Aitken, Executive Director of Quintiles IMS Institute: A deep dive into the world of biosimilars, innovation and the future of healthcare systems

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Statement 30 Aug 2017

IFPMA Statement on UHC at 67th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa

Delivered by Cyntia Genolet, Manager, Regulatory and Health Policy 30th August, Victoria Falls, Republic of Zimbabwe – Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world, including two in Africa. Today’s meeting and the organization...

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Statement 30 Aug 2017

IFPMA Statement on Yellow Fever at 67th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa

Delivered by Cyntia Genolet, Manager, Regulatory and Health Policy 30th August, Victoria Falls, Republic of Zimbabwe – IFPMA commends the EYE strategy, which brings renewed vision and energy to controlling yellow fever across the world by reducing the risk posed by an urban foothold of the disease. We were glad to be a part of...

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Expert insight 29 Aug 2017

Beware of doomsday scenarios for health care spending

Fair pricing activists applauded the news earlier this month that the FDA approved another drug to cure hepatitis C. That this new medicine is cheaper and treats people quicker than the existing hepatitis C drugs goes to show how fast healthy competition can change the outlook on health spending. Not long ago, health economists were promoting a...

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Expert insight 22 Aug 2017

Africa’s population: Failure is not an option

We are used to social media exploding and controversy over statements made by President Donald Trump. But over the past month, a shockwave of anger and charges of European arrogance and racism have been levelled at France’s new, charming, and youthful President.  What triggered the social media storm that spread around the world was President...

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Position paper 13 Jun 2017

IFPMA Position on Convergence of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards and Related Inspections

This position paper reiterates the global industry position on GMP convergence (June 2017 position paper and addresses the ICDRA WHO recommendations to industry with regard to the sharing of inspections information amongst regulators and procurement agencies under the Reliance approach.

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Statement 6 Jun 2017

IFPMA Statement to New Essential Medicines List

Geneva, 6 June 2017|Today, the WHO issued its 20th Essential Medicines List (EML) This List serves as a guide for countries and procurement agencies in making their own decisions about the medicines in their own formularies. IFPMA Director General Thomas Cueni gave this statement: “In this year’s List, and from what we can notably see,...

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Expert insight 6 Jun 2017

Behind the Numbers: Pharma and Global Health

The most indisputable of all facts on global health is that we’re living longer and healthier lives than ever, and in an era of continuous health improvement. What were once considered life-threatening diseases are now manageable conditions, and not just for patients, but for our health systems also. Where Hepatitis C, for example, would have...

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Infographic 2 Jun 2017

Fight the Fakes Infographic – Same Packaging, Same Shape and Same Color… But Fakes! (Spanish Version)

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