Press release 28 Nov 2017

Press Release: 3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa

*3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa* PRESS RELEASE, 27 November 2017, Accra – Ghana    Significant strides have been made over the years to enhance and modernize the regulation of pharmaceutical manufacturing and product quality across the world. However, the drug registration system in Africa remains complex and varied, and separate...

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Report 27 Nov 2017

3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa: Speakers’ Quotes

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Statement 22 Nov 2017

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) Statement EB Special session on the draft Thirteenth General Programme of Work

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) Statement EB Special session on the draft Thirteenth General Programme of Work On behalf of the research-based pharmaceutical industry, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) welcomes this opportunity to provide feedback to the Executive Board on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) consultation on the...

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Expert insight 14 Nov 2017

Stand and deliver – practical steps to stop antibiotic resistance

This blog was first published on Life Science Leader and Pharma Times on 14 November 2017. Stand and deliver – practical steps to stop antibiotic resistance It is rapidly becoming the world’s biggest killer. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on course to overtake cancer (8.2 million annual deaths) and account for 10m deaths a year by...

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Expert insight 6 Nov 2017

Help wanted in fight against AMR: World Pharma Association wants to see incentives – but also more regulation

Help wanted in the fight against AMR: World Pharma Association wants to see incentives - but also more regulation.

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Video 3 Nov 2017

IFPMA video highlight: Life-course immunization and prevention

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Video 1 Nov 2017

IFPMA 2017 Interview Series: Experts take on 9th Asia Regulatory Conference

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Expert insight 26 Oct 2017

The decade of vaccines: progress through strengthening dialogue and partnership

Last week, in Geneva, the global immunization community gathered at the World Health Organisation’s Headquarters to review progress on the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP). During the presentations, part of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts of Immunisation (SAGE) meeting, it become clear how vital partnership and collaboration will be if we are to meet...

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Expert insight 26 Oct 2017

NCDs: Sleepwalking into a sick future

In my home country, Swiss citizens do not take kindly to the state trying to nudge them towards a healthier lifestyle. Be it smoking, alcohol, sugar in food or a lower level of salt consumption, they are quick to rant about the Taliban at the Federal Office of Public Health. Proposals for increased public health...

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Press release 26 Oct 2017

Global coalition in the fight against falsified medicines meets in Brussels as it welcomes its 35th partner

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, Brussels – Fight the Fakes campaign partners representing healthcare professionals, academia, NGOs, the generic and research-based pharmaceutical industry, healthcare distributers, and consumer protection organizations met this week to work on their future plans to raise awareness of the widespread sale and use of falsified medicines across the world and the dangers...

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Infographic 19 Oct 2017

Infographic: Better Health Partnerships – Vaccines

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Video 17 Oct 2017

@WHA70: Panelists take on ‘Biotherapeutics & the next 70 years’

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