Report 20 Apr 2018

Fact Sheets on Biologic Medicines

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Video 19 Apr 2018


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Expert insight 19 Apr 2018

Building vaccine confidence in a ‘post-truth era’

  In this ‘post-truth era’, in which norms and science are being increasingly questioned, is ‘not knowing how and what to know’, as University of Connecticut Professor of Philosophy Michael P. Lynch puts it, putting the success of global vaccination programs at risk? Gaps in coverage in well-established vaccination programs have led to recent outbreaks...

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Expert insight 11 Apr 2018

What a difference 70 years can make in global health

This blog was first published on Diplomatic Courier on 11 April 2018.   1948 saw the birth of the UK’s National Health Service providing healthcare free for all at the point of delivery – and 55 countries meet for the inaugural World Health Assembly.  Seven decades later, Ebola and Zika outbreaks, old diseases reappearing in...

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Expert insight 23 Mar 2018

Accelerating the development and delivery of new innovations for a TB-free world

Before the World Economic Forum, Davos’ first claim to fame was as a haven for wealthy tuberculosis sufferers in the 1800s and 1900s: the rarefied air of the Magic Mountain, as Thomas Mann dubbed it, offered a “certain” cure. The Davos visitors of those days, like Mann’s Hans Castorp, were a small minority of TB...

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Statement 23 Mar 2018

IFPMA Statement: Biopharmaceutical industry marks World TB Day

Geneva, 23 March 2018 – IFPMA, the world body representing biopharmaceutical companies, confirms its commitment to the World Health Organization (WHO) drive to eradicate tuberculosis and its campaign “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world”, focusing on building commitment at all levels of the community. The biopharmaceutical industry is dedicated to bringing effective therapies and solutions...

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Expert insight 16 Mar 2018

How smart boxes are helping vaccine makers deliver more

Here we speak with Michaël Attlan, Head of the New Technologies (NT) Platform at Sanofi Pasteur, about how technology is transforming vaccine delivery. Prior to heading the NT Platform, Michaël led Sanofi Pasteur’s Traveler & Endemic Vaccine Franchise. His work in yellow fever, cholera, rabies, and Japanese encephalitis reflects his and Sanofi Pasteur’s commitment to public health around the world.

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Expert insight 5 Mar 2018

Vaccines: Reflecting on 2017 and what’s on the 2018 horizon

Vaccines: Reflecting on 2017 and what’s on the 2018 horizon 2017 has shown how the power of collaboration and partnership is vital in extending the benefits of vaccines to an ever-growing number of people. Let me take you through some of the key moments for vaccines in 2017 and look ahead to 2018. Immunization is...

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Expert insight 27 Feb 2018

We need a sustainable business model

This interview was first published on NZZ on 24 February 2018. Interview by Birgit Voigt   NZZ on Sunday: Why is the pharmaceutical industry not developing more new antibiotics? Thomas Cueni: Today, there is simply no economically realistic business model that would justify investments of over one billion Swiss Francs for the development of a...

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Infographic 27 Feb 2018

Infographic Good Manufacturing Practices – Convergence


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Report 15 Feb 2018

IFPMA Global Code Comparison Report 2018

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Expert insight 31 Jan 2018

Less talk, more action needed to avoid superbugs silent tsunami

On a TripAdvisor Bangkok forum[1] Gary asks “Can I purchase antibiotics (in Thailand) without a prescription if I run out?”. roverEngland replies: “Yes I get my antibiotics no problem without doctors note in Bangkok. Also they are 1/4 price of what I would pay in UK.”, another writes “Whatever antibiotics you want- Any pharmacies will...

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