Press release 25 May 2018

IFPMA Welcomes Set-Up of New African Medicines Agency

Geneva, 25 May 2018 – To mark Africa Day, soon after African health ministers of 55-country African Union, all gathered at the 71st World Health Assembly, unanimously adopted a treaty to establish the African Medicines Agency, IFPMA seizes this momentum to welcome this important milestone. The new African Medicines Agency (AMA) will support the varying...

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Statement 24 May 2018

IFPMA Statement @WHA 71 agenda item 11.7 Preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to be held in 2018

Delivered by Mareike Ostertag, IFPMA   The innovative pharmaceutical industry, represented by IFPMA echoes WHO concerns that progress achieved on prevention and control of NCDs has been patchy and insufficient. We share the concern that SDG 3.4 will not be met if efforts are not significantly increased at all levels. We also agree that integrated...

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Press release 24 May 2018

International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations joins Fight the Fakes as 36th partner

Thursday, 24th May, Miami – Fight the Fakes is proud to announce that the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) is joining as the campaign’s 36th partner. By signing up to join Fight the Fakes, IAPO will support awareness raising about fake medicines generally, but also throughout more than 265 member patient organizations around the...

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Statement 23 May 2018

IFPMA Statement @WHA 71 agenda item 11.16 Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property

Delivered by Grega Kumer   IFPMA members have taken significant steps to support the implementation of the GSPA-PHI. We support the global consensus the GSPA-PHI represents, and its carefully negotiated actions that brought the world together around practical solutions that recognize the essential role that IP rights play in the development of new therapies and...

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Statement 23 May 2018

IFPMA Statement @WHA 71 agenda item 11.5 Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines

Delivered by Grega Kumer   IFPMA welcomes WHO’s progress in developing a framework to avert shortages. While supply is one factor, shortages are influenced by a range of issues, such as stock management, procurement delays, unpredictable country demand, and complex regulatory requirements. We encourage partners to address the main challenges of national stockouts and we...

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Expert insight 23 May 2018

Opinion: Beware of fake news on global health

This blog was first published on Devex on 23 May 2018   At the 2014 Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany, the late Professor Hans Rosling quizzed his audience of leading scientists on average life expectancy. Given three choices, just over a quarter of the crowd picked the correct answer of 70. That’s fewer than...

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Statement 23 May 2018

IFPMA Statement @WHA71 – Agenda item 11.1 Draft thirteenth general programme of work, 2019–2023

On behalf of the research-based pharmaceutical industry, IFPMA would like to express our support for the ambitious goals of the thirteenth General Programme of Work and its focus on outcomes and impact. We strongly agree that the private sector is a key partner to achieving its targets and we stand ready to play our part....

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Press release 22 May 2018

The pharmaceutical industry advocates for even greater collaboration as critical to future global health progress

Geneva, 22 May 2018 – IFPMA launches today “50 Years of Global Health Progress”. The report traces global health progress over the past 50 years and the pioneering collaborative role the research-based biopharmaceutical industry has played not only to deliver prevention and treatment, but to strengthen health systems around the world. The report reviews some...

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Report 21 May 2018

IFPMA/SustainAbility Report: 50 Years of Global Health Progress

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Expert insight 26 Apr 2018

@WorldIPDay: Women working their magic on innovation in health

Every April 26, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) World Intellectual Property Day to recognize the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity. This year’s campaign celebrates the brilliance, ingenuity, curiosity and courage of the women who are driving change in our world and shaping our common future. I have dedicated my...

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Expert insight 23 Apr 2018

Vaccines: Vital in fighting antimicrobial resistance

This blog was first published on EPM on 23 April 2018. We have been lucky to live through a period of improving global public health, facilitated in part by innovation from and partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry. However we now find ourselves facing a new threat from an old foe – infectious disease through antimicrobial...

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Expert insight 21 Apr 2018

New ways to fund the battle against chronic diseases are overdue

This blog was first published on Diplomatic Courier on 21 April 2018. “Business as usual will not work any longer regarding NCDs. The global burden and challenge of NCDs is of such a scale and magnitude that it requires thinking out of the box and new partnerships and financing mechanisms”. We all, some 300 of...

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