Statement 30 Aug 2018

WHO Afro 68 agenda item 14: Roadmap for access 2019–2023: Comprehensive support for access to medicines and vaccines

Delivered by Cyntia Genolet, Senior Manager Global Health Policy, IFPMA Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world, including three in Africa. The IFPMA welcomes the WHO’s ambitious 13 General Programme of Work, which...

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Statement 29 Aug 2018

WHO Afro 68 agenda item 13: Ensuring sustainable financing for universal health coverage in Africa in the mist of changing global and local economic factors

Delivered by Cyntia Genolet, Senior Manager Global Health Policy, IFPMA Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world, including three in Africa. The IFPMA notes the report and agrees with the proposed actions, specifically...

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Infographic 24 Aug 2018

Better Health Partnerships Across Africa

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Report 23 Aug 2018

R&D Pipeline for Tuberculosis

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Video 22 Aug 2018

Greg Perry – IFPMA Moderated Panels @Pre-ICDRA 2018

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Expert insight 13 Aug 2018

Latest Ebola response holds key to global health security

This blog piece has been first published in Africa Health Journal, July 2018 Latest Ebola response holds key to global health security Thomas Cueni discusses the important role of immunisation and the critical role of the pharmaceutical industry in combatting new threats such as with Ebola The recent deadly outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD)...

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Expert insight 12 Jul 2018

Drugs companies are rising to the challenges of research into superbugs

This letter was first published on the Financial Times on 4th July 2018, in response to the article titled “Pharma sector failing to tackle superbugs, says O’Neill” (26th June 2018)   I respectfully disagree with Jim O’Neill’s comments on pharmaceutical companies’ inaction on combating antimicrobial resistance (“ Pharma sector failing to tackle superbugs, says O’Neill”,...

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Expert insight 29 Jun 2018

Healthy mothers, healthy communities

This blog was first published on the Media Planet supplement for the Guardian on 27 June 2018   Last month, President Kagame told the World Health Assembly: “In Rwanda, a combination of community-based health insurance, community health workers, and good external partnerships led to the steepest reductions (a halving) in child and maternal mortality ever...

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Report 29 May 2018

50 Years of Global Health Progress – Resources

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Press release 28 May 2018

The R&D-based pharmaceutical industry supports the World Health Organization 5-year work plan and welcomes new era on health partnerships

28 May 2018, Geneva – IFPMA, the voice of the biopharmaceutical innovation and health progress around the world, made a series of statements during the 71st World Health Assembly. As the Assembly kicked off, IFPMA called for even greater collaboration as being critical to future global health progress. In his inaugural and closing remarks, Dr...

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Statement 25 May 2018

IFPMA Statement: @WHA71 Item 12.7 – Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits

25 May 2018 Statement delivered by Paula Barbosa, IFPMA, Manager, Vaccines Policy   Mr Chairman, IFPMA and its member companies would like to confirm our continued collaboration in the context of pandemic preparedness and response efforts. Through the PIP Framework, influenza vaccine and antiviral manufacturers have helped the WHO secure 405 million doses of influenza...

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Statement 25 May 2018

IFPMA Statement @WHA 71 agenda item 11.8 Preparation for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on ending Tuberculosis

    IFPMA welcomes the organization of the High-Level Meeting on ending Tuberculosis and WHO’s progress in developing a draft multisectoral accountability framework to accelerate countries’ engagement to reach the goals of the “End TB” strategy and the TB targets of the of the Sustainable Development Goals. The pharmaceutical industry is committed to contribute to...

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