Expert insight 17 Oct 2018

The fight against Zika: Harnessing partnerships and innovative production processes

Here we explore Takeda’s efforts to develop a Zika vaccine and the crucial role vaccine development programs play in tackling emerging diseases. Laurence De Moerlooze, Vice President & Global Lead Zika, Takeda Vaccines; Gary Dubin, Senior Vice President and Head of the Global Medical Office, Takeda Vaccines; and Rahul Singhvi, Chief Operating Officer, Takeda Vaccines, underline the importance of partnerships and innovation in Takeda’s efforts.

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Statement 12 Oct 2018

R&D biopharmaceutical industry at WHS 2018 urges finding joint solutions to achieve better health outcomes including forging impactful partnerships

Sunday, 14 October 2018, Berlin – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), the body accredited by the United Nations (UN) to represent the R&D biopharmaceutical industry, supports forward-looking discussions on key global health policies that are on the Summit’s agenda, including Sustainable Development Goals, access to essential medicines, strengthening health systems, pandemic...

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Statement 4 Oct 2018

Global Business Coalition – Knowledge Partners of Global Health & Human Resources Knowledge Partnership Issue Statement

Good health and thriving economies are inextricably linked, and hinge on access to quality and effective health services necessary for all citizens to lead healthy, safe, and productive lives. Investment in the health economy and support for innovation yield dividends, resulting in poverty reduction, and contributing to long-term social development and prosperity. Businesses and associations...

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Expert insight 4 Oct 2018

New IFPMA Code of Practice 2019

This oped was first published in the World Medical Journal (Vol. 64, September2018). An efficient healthcare system depends on mutual trust between all parties – but how should that translate concretely into the day to day reality of whether a healthcare professional should be given a subscription to a journal or a box of chocolates...

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Expert insight 28 Sep 2018

Risks And Ultimate Rewards: Innovative Ways To Beat Chronic Diseases

This oped was first published on Health Policy Watch on 28 September 2018. It’s often hard to see progress when the realities surrounding you are bleak: non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the world’s biggest killer, responsible for around 70 percent of global deaths. Each year some 40 million people die of such chronic diseases as cardiovascular...

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Statement 27 Sep 2018

R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry welcomes UN Declaration on NCDs

Delivered by Martin Bernhardt, IFPMA IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world. We welcome the strong re-affirmation of the political commitment to accelerate the implementation of the 2011 and the 2014 political declaration outcome documents to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 2030 by...

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Press release 27 Sep 2018

The R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry welcomes the UN Declaration on NCDs and calls for innovative financing models and multi-sectoral collaboration

New York, 27 September 2018 – As an official UN interlocutor that shares knowledge and expertise to improve global health, IFPMA welcomes the strong re-affirmation of the commitment of governments to take steps to reduce premature mortality from chronic diseases by 2030 and strongly supports the declaration’s emphasis on orienting health systems towards the achievement...

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Statement 26 Sep 2018

R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry welcomes UN Declaration on TB

New York, 26 September 2018 Statement by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations at the High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on ending Tuberculosis IFPMA congratulates the United Nations General Assembly in holding the first-ever high-level meeting on the fight against tuberculosis and welcomes the UN Political Declaration on TB. The global...

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Press release 26 Sep 2018

R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry welcomes UN Declaration on TB Partnerships are key to foster innovation and access

Geneva, 26 September 2018 – Today, at the first-ever United Nations (UN) High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB), world health leaders agreed on a new, collaborative, focused, and forward-looking declaration that sets priorities for the global fight against TB. Recognizing the complexity of the disease and the barriers to progress, the declaration aims to improve access...

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Expert insight 26 Sep 2018

PharmaBoardroom Interview with Thomas Cueni (Part II)

This interview was first published on Pharma Boardroom on 25 September 2018. This second installment of an exclusive two-part interview with Thomas Cueni, director general of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), defines ‘fair pricing’, gives IFPMA’s take on so-called “cost-plus” pricing models, and talks about access to medicine in developing markets....

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Press release 25 Sep 2018

WIPO and IFPMA Launch New Online Patent-Search Resource to Help Health Agencies Procure Medicines

WIPO and the research-based pharmaceutical industry today launched a new online tool designed to help procurement agencies better understand the global patent status of medicines.

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Statement 20 Sep 2018

68th WHO Regional Committee for Europe: Roadmap for access 2019–2023: Comprehensive support for access to medicines and vaccines

September 20, 68th WHO Regional Committee for Europe Delivered by Sara Amini, Senior Manager, Social and Economic Policy, IFPMA IFPMA represents R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry worldwide and will provide the position and perspective of the global biopharmaceutical industry. IFPMA welcomes the WHO’s ambitious 13th General Programme of Work (GPW), particularly around delivery of UHC. A broad...

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