Video 6 Dec 2018

IFPMA Code of Practice 2019 – Our Ethos by Melissa Barnes, Chair of the IFPMA Ethics and Business Integrity Committee (eBIC) (Video)

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Expert insight 6 Dec 2018

Cultivating Trust in Healthcare System

This oped was first published in The Pharma Letter on 6 December 2018. Business performance is mostly about the tangible: robust pipeline, successful launches, development of sales, financial results, profit margins, and the like. One less tangible but absolutely crucial measure of success relates to “how” we go about our business. Ethics and building trust...

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Position paper 5 Dec 2018

IFPMA Note for Guidance on Continuing Medical Education (2018)

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to pharmaceutical companies to ensure that their involvement in the provision of Medical Education meets high standards.

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Note for Guidance: Continuing medical education
Press release 5 Dec 2018

R&D biopharmaceutical industry revamp ethical code to apply as base line of industry behavior worldwide

New R&D biopharmaceutical industry Code of Practice comes into effect on 1 January 2019. Changes reflect increasingly complex dilemmas faced by R&D biopharmaceutical industry professionals which call just as much for rules, as for strong ethical values that can build a culture of trust. New Code of Practice aims to improve guidance to IFPMA members...

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Press release 4 Dec 2018

David A. Ricks Elected New President of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA)

David A. Ricks, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eli Lilly and Company, takes over as President of IFPMA from Ian C. Read, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer. New President to highlight the need for forward-looking policies that encourage innovation, as well as strengthened health systems in order to sustain the last-half...

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Report 30 Nov 2018

Case Studies to Illustrate IFPMA Position Paper on the Handling of Post-Approval Changes to Marketing Authorizations

This brochure describes the complexity with handling such regulatory activities, and the impact it has on access to such medicinal products. It is supported by six illustrative case studies aimed at raising awareness about the current challenges of PACs regulations and demonstrating how the consistent and predictable management of PACs can enhance public health overall. This represents an opportunity for all relevant stakeholders to partner and ensure patients’ timely access to innovative medicines.

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Press release 16 Nov 2018

Pharma industry launches call for coalition of countries to pilot new incentives for antibiotic R&D

16 November, Geneva – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) draws attention on the urgent need for governments across the world to put in place a suite of incentives to reinvigorate the antimicrobial pipeline. Adoption by governments of sustainable and substantial measures to fund or reward research inputs and outputs incentives must...

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Expert insight 13 Nov 2018

By 2050, superbugs may cost the economy $100 trillion

This oped was first published in the Antimicrobial Resistance campaign in the Guardian on 12 November 2018   Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on course to overtake cancer and account for 10m deaths a year by 2050. Already, 700,000 people die from drug-resistant infections (“superbugs”) each year. AMR could cost the global economy up $100 trillion...

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Press release 13 Nov 2018

The largest private sector coalition to provide sustainable solutions to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has made strides in 2018 and calls for a coordinated and multi-pronged response from all stakeholders

The AMR Industry Alliance has made major strides in 2018 taking action across four different areas to tackle the public health threat of AMR: research and science, access, appropriate use, and manufacturing and the environment. In 2018, it has published its first progress report that provides unique insights into the practical steps its members are...

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Video 6 Nov 2018

IFPMA @preICDRA Videos


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Press release 29 Oct 2018

The R&D biopharmaceutical industry supports the Astana Declaration and renewed political commitment towards the importance of primary health care

26 October 2018, Astana – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), the body accredited by the United Nations (UN) to represent the R&D biopharmaceutical industry attended Astana at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care on 25-26 October, co-hosted by the Government of Kazakhstan, WHO and UNICEF. R&D biopharmaceutical industry announced its...

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Expert insight 26 Oct 2018

La réponse au virus Ebola, enjeu de sécurité sanitaire mondiale

This oped was first published on AGEGI on 25 October 2018. Résumé : Avec Ebola chaque pays est vulnérable face aux épidémies et la solution passe par une couverture universelle de santé et un travail collectif Même si l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a récemment décidé qu’il n’y a pas lieu de déclarer une épidémie...

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