Statement 13 Sep 2021

Report of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development at the WHO EURO 71st Regional Committee: Presentation of recommendations and conclusions

13 September 2021, Geneva – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) are pleased to contribute this statement to the 71st WHO Regional Committee meeting for Europe. EFPIA and IFPMA represent Europe’s and the world’s leading research-based biopharmaceutical companies, as well as national...

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Video 7 Sep 2021

Global Biopharma CEO/Top Executives COVID-19 Media Briefing

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7 Sep 2021

6th global Biopharma CEO / top execs virtual press briefings – COVID-19

Organized by IFPMA – representing the global innovative biopharmaceutical industry committed to addressing the novel coronavirus public health crisis.

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Press release 7 Sep 2021

Momentum of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing scale up sufficient for step change in distribution

This month COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing output will pass the 7.5 billion dose mark. Vaccine manufacturers worldwide are now producing 1.5 billion doses per month and this is expected to continue growing. 12 billion vaccines will be produced by the end of 2021 and if there are no major bottlenecks, by June 2022 total vaccine production...

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Video 2 Sep 2021

#TogetherAgainstFlu – Bram Palache Video

The Northern Hemisphere #flu season is approaching! So, when is the optimal time to offer flu vaccination to older adults, pregnant women, children and people living with chronic conditions? When is too early? And when is too late? Bram Palache shares his thoughts with #TogetherAgainstFlu More about #TogetherAgainstFlu: #TogetherAgainstFlu online campaign aims to keep...

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Expert insight 27 Aug 2021

The Promise of Digital Health Innovations for People Living with Diabetes

The number of people living with diabetes (PLWDs) has quadrupled in the last 40 years, adding to the pressures on health systems, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

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Statement 24 Aug 2021

IFPMA Statement at the 11th APEC High-level Meeting on Health and the Economy – Session title: Incorporating Health Equity into Trade and Supply Chains for Vaccines and Medical Products

24 August 2021 – The biopharmaceutical industry is delivering. We have several safe and highly effective vaccines. We estimate that we are on track to produce more than 11 billion doses by the end of the year.  This is a massive scale up from zero to billions in a matter of months and would be enough to fulfill the...

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Statement 24 Aug 2021

IFPMA Statement at the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa: Special Event on the COVID-19 Response in the WHO AFRO Region

24 August 2021 – The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) thanks the WHO AFRO for this opportunity to share a statement at this 71st session of the WHO Regional meeting. IFPMA represents leading research-based biopharmaceutical and vaccine companies and national and regional industry associations in Africa and worldwide. IFPMA congratulates Dr Moeti and her team at...

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Expert insight 27 Jul 2021

5 questions to… Professor Germain Ntono Tsimi, President of UYII-IFPMA Chair

COVID-19 has galvanized the development of indigenous innovations and African innovators have responded with a wide range of creative inventions suited to address local public health challenges. In this spirit, IFPMA and the University of Yaoundé II – Cameroon have agreed to create the UYII-IFPMA Chair on “Health and Globalization: Laws, Policies and Market,” an...

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Expert insight 26 Jul 2021

The evolution of the SARS-COV-2 virus is a stark reminder that research and innovation must continue (Step #5)

Developing COVID-19 vaccines in less than a year was a monumental achievement – but to improve the efficacy, manufacture and distribution of vaccines and combat emerging variants, governments, regulators and research scientists must work together to drive further innovation. Imagine if scientists invented a COVID-19 vaccine that can be given orally, without the need of...

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Video 26 Jul 2021

Driving further innovation (Step #5) Video

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Report 23 Jul 2021

Collaborating to Achieve Universal Health Coverage – Kenya

Cross-sector partnerships to support healthcare system strengthening in Kenya

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