Statement 5 Nov 2021

Joint Statement by founding members of AMA Treaty Alliance (AMATA) to welcome the African Medicines Agency coming into force

November 5, 2021 –We, as founding members of AMATA, representing patients, academia, civil society, and industry, welcome the official ratification of the AMA Treaty, which has enabled the African Medicines Agency to effectively enter into force today. We now call on the African Union to build on the current momentum gained with the legal deposition...

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Statement 28 Oct 2021

Joint Industry Statement by ABPI, EFPIA, Farmindustria, IMC, IFPMA, JPMA, LEEM, PhRMA, and vfa on the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26): Biopharmaceutical Industry Actions to Tackle Climate Change

Global public health is inextricably linked to the health of the planet. Climate change, air pollution and other environmental challenges have a demonstrable impact on public health around the world. 

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External study 28 Oct 2021

Industry sustainability case studies

The examples in this study  provide a snapshot of the activities happening around the world to cut carbon emissions, save water, cut waste, sustainably design products.

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Statement 26 Oct 2021

Biopharmaceutical Industry Joint Statement on ICMRA workshop on enabling manufacturing capacity in the COVID-19 pandemic

On 7 July 2021, the biopharmaceutical industry welcomed the opportunity to join the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) in a workshop focused on expanding manufacturing capacity for COVID-19 medicines and vaccines. This workshop provided a platform to collectively explore the range of activities associated with post-approval site transfers and review the regulatory flexibilities...

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Press release 25 Oct 2021

Bolstering action against future pandemics: pharma policy perspectives on delivering medical countermeasures

The annual World Health Summit (WHS) provided a platform for the global health community to take stock of the world’s response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well other pressing health threats, such as the rise of antimicrobial resistance, which could next sweep the world. At the WHS, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) announced its policy perspectives on preparing society against future pandemics.

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Press release 19 Oct 2021

As COVID-19 vaccine output estimated to reach over 12 billion by year end and 24 billion by mid-2022, innovative vaccine manufacturers renew commitment to support G20 efforts to address remaining barriers to equitable access

This month, COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing output will pass the 9.3 billion dose mark. The biopharmaceutical industry renews its May commitment to the G20 to collaborate with governments to support effective solutions to urgently address vaccine equity. At current production rates, swiftly rolling out vaccines to those who still need them looks achievable, if the political...

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Video 18 Oct 2021

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Ethics for SMEs Forum – Thomas Cueni Remarks

The session featured government and private sector leaders to officially launch the modernized APEC Kuala Lumpur and Mexico City Principles to commence the implementation process. This session also debuted a novel piece of research to serve all stakeholders in the initiative to create a better understanding of the impact of ethical business practices, especially amidst COVID-19.  

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Position paper 18 Oct 2021

Preparing society against future pandemics – Policy Perspectives from the Innovative Biopharmaceutical Industry

This position paper details two ambitious objectives of the pharmaceutical industry: Aim to develop effective and safe pandemic products within 100 days of a new pandemic declaration. To Collaborate with governments, multilateral organizations, regulators, and other companies and sectors to ensure equitable access to those products for people worldwide.

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Toolkit 30 Sep 2021

IFPMA CPP Network Training Toolkit

Certification Scheme for a Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) - IFPMA CPP Network Training Toolkit

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Expert insight 30 Sep 2021

Flu season 2021/22 is approaching: flu vaccination may be more important than ever to protect the most vulnerable

Last flu season was exceptionally mild because of the measures used to contain COVID-19, like physical distancing and masks. But what will the upcoming flu season look like?

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Video 30 Sep 2021

#TogetherAgainstFlu Campaign

The #TogetherAgainstFlu online campaign aims to keep raising awareness of the importance of flu vaccinations for healthcare workers, older adults and patients living with chronic conditions.

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Position paper 30 Sep 2021

Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) and eCPP

The Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) is a document issued by a country’s regulatory authority at the request of a product owner to support the registration process of a pharmaceutical product of another regulatory authority in a different country. IFPMA's work on CPP focuses on the benefits of this tool as a reliance tool.

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