Expert insight 25 Nov 2021

What worked well in the COVID-19 pandemic response and why we should make sure it is preserved for the next pandemic

The World Health Assembly Special Session on a Pandemic Treaty, which will convene health ministries from around the world in Geneva next week, offers a unique opportunity to take a look back and share some important lessons learnt from fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Statement 24 Nov 2021

IFPMA Statement – Special Session of World Health Assembly on Pandemic Treaty

IFPMA welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Special Session of the World Health Assembly in this unique and unprecedented moment to take lessons learned from fighting COVID-19 into tackling future global health crises. The COVID response has revealed to all the value of the rapid development and manufacture of vaccines and treatments, the importance...

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Statement 24 Nov 2021

Joint Statement on World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

On World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO), the IAPO Patients for Patient Safety Observatory and its AMR Patient Alliance, International Council of Nurses (ICN), International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), responding to the call to...

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External study 23 Nov 2021

Supporting appropriate recognition and action for vaccination in AMR National Action Plans

AMR is a serious and increasing threat to global health security and threatens much of the modern medicine we have come to rely on, made possible by our ability to prevent and treat infections.

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Expert insight 18 Nov 2021

Youth perspective: The AMR burden and opportunities to overcome it

Sometimes dubbed the “silent pandemic,” Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a natural phenomenon that occurs when microorganisms such as bacteria adapt after repeated exposure to antibiotics, rendering treatments ineffective. It has been at the top of the global health agenda for many years, and young professionals in healthcare are acutely aware of it.

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Expert insight 18 Nov 2021

Developing new antibiotics – the next great challenge

For a long time, the world has recognised the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) but the pipeline of new antibiotics to tackle it remains too weak. The WHO has recognised AMR as one of the urgent health challenges of the decade. But, while we have seen progress in tackling this looming catastrophe in some areas,...

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Expert insight 18 Nov 2021

The imminent threat of AMR and why we must prepare

AMR is a silent pandemic that needs attention now. Globally, we need to take action or it will continue to claim lives.

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Statement 17 Nov 2021

Pharmaceutical industry reacts to WHO report on access to insulin highlighting shared goals and divergent views

17 November 2021 – Innovative biopharmaceutical companies, represented by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), welcome the publication of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) latest report “Keeping the 100-year-old promise: making insulin access universal”. We fully agree that diabetes is a global health priority and that major gaps in access to quality...

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Press release 17 Nov 2021

20 leading research, medical and pharmaceutical organizations call on G7 to step up action to strengthen the R&D antibiotic pipeline

November 17, 2021, Berlin – Ahead of the “World Antimicrobial Awareness Week” (November 18-24) 20 national and international organizations from academia, healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry appealed today to G7 governments to step up efforts to tackle the problem of growing antibiotic resistance. In a joint statement, they stress that only an approach involving both the...

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Expert insight 15 Nov 2021

How digital awareness campaigns can help build trust and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and improve country readiness for vaccination

In December 2020, we witnessed a scientific feat that will go down in history books. This was just 10 months after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

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Expert insight 14 Nov 2021

Dialogue on global diabetes care with James Anderson: What is needed as we mark another World Diabetes Day?

For World Diabetes Day on 14 November, Ann-Lise Mikolajczak, Associate Manager, Value and Access and James Anderson, Executive Director of Global Health, sat down to discuss global diabetes care. This Q&A was developed in collaboration with HYPER Network, a platform for young industry professionals. 

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Expert insight 9 Nov 2021

Investing in chronic care: Sustainable financing models for type 1 diabetes

The discovery of insulin in 1921 changed type 1 diabetes from a death sentence to a condition that can be controlled and managed successfully. Yet a hundred years later, children still die from diabetes, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

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