Statement 28 Sep 2022

IFPMA Statement at the WHO Second Public Hearings to support the intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Delivered by: Thomas Cueni, Director General, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?” While we have been part of the largest and most rapid global vaccine rollout in history, we...

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Position paper 28 Sep 2022

Joint Note for Guidance on social media and digital channels

In a new Note for Guidance, IFPMA and EFPIA provide non-binding advice for their members when considering their activities on social media and digital channels. The document seeks to support and guide pharmaceutical companies and associations and anyone acting on their behalf in always basing their cooperation with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs), Healthcare Organizations (HCOs), Patient...

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Position paper 26 Sep 2022

Points to consider: The importance of sameness of product in the context of regulatory reliance

IFPMA describes how the R&D-based pharmaceutical industry delivers products with the same quality to all countries around the world, which should facilitate reliance procedures. To facilitate reliance activities, IFPMA has developed a template that provides a transparent overview and description of any differences between the documentation submitted for marketing authorization or post-approval changes in the relying and the reference National Regulatory Agency (NRA).

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Video 23 Sep 2022

World Patient Safety Day 2022: Making medicines safe and reliable for all

Organized by the  Fight the Fakes Alliance during Fight the Fakes Week (5-11 December 2022), this event focused on what medication safety means for patients.

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External study 21 Sep 2022

The role of intellectual property in the biopharmaceutical sector

To better understand this resulting dichotomy, this white paper answers five key questions, with a focus on applications related to innovation in the life sciences sector and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Report 20 Sep 2022

Facts and Figures 2022: The Pharmaceutical Industry and Global Health

This compendium of facts and figures relating to the biopharmaceutical industry and global health aims to provide a snapshot of the work this industry undertakes today.

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Statement 13 Sep 2022

IFPMA and GSCF statement at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on Strengthening health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience: learning the lessons and building back better

13 September 2022, Tel Aviv, Israel – IFPMA and GSCF welcome the opportunity to provide comments and share insights from our Covid-19 Lessons Learned report, , which highlights that swift pathogen surveillance and sharing, an enabling innovation ecosystem, and regulatory agility are among the lessons that must be preserved for future ability to fight against...

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Statement 13 Sep 2022

R&D based biopharmaceutical industry statement in support of the Seventh Global Fund Replenishment

Ahead of the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment for 2024-2026, the innovative biopharmaceutical industry reaffirms its longstanding commitment to support the Global Fund mission to defeat HIV, TB, and malaria, and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all.

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Report 13 Sep 2022

Fighting for what counts: Leveraging the power of collaboration to end HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria

Leveraging the power of collaboration to end HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.

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Expert insight 9 Sep 2022

The biopharmaceutical industry continues to innovate and push science forward to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and be better prepared for future global health threats

Viruses don’t stand still. And neither do we. It’s been almost two years since the administration of the first COVID-19 vaccine in December 2020 and as of September 2022, more than two thirds of people worldwide had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.

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Statement 7 Sep 2022

IFPMA statement at the 75th session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia on Monitoring progress and acceleration plan for NCDs

 IFPMA is delighted to be able to join this SEARO Regional Committee meeting and appreciates the opportunity to make this statement

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Statement 24 Aug 2022

IFPMA statement at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa: Regional strategy for health security and emergencies 2022-2030

IFPMA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the WHO AFRO region’s strategy for health security and emergencies. The innovative biopharmaceutical industry is keen to learn lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and to work with others to ensure we are much better prepared for the next health emergency. We are not surprised by the assessment from...

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