Position paper 15 Feb 2023

Convergence and reliance approaches for advanced therapy medicinal products

Cell, tissue and gene therapies offer significant potential to treat diseases with high unmet medical needs, and consist of human cell and tissue products for medical use and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). IFPMA shares points to consider when promoting regulatory convergence and reliance approaches for ATMPs.

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Expert insight 14 Feb 2023

Five Priorities to Global Pandemic Preparedness

As the global architecture for pandemic preparedness and response is discussed, IFPMA shares practical solutions and recommends focusing on five priorities.

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Press release 13 Feb 2023

Pharma recommends five priorities for future pandemic preparedness and response

As the global architecture for pandemic preparedness and response is discussed, IFPMA shares practical solutions and recommends focussing on five priorities.

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Statement 6 Feb 2023

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (EB152)

On 6 February 2023, IFPMA delivered a statement for the WHO EB152 agenda item related to the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework.

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Statement 2 Feb 2023

Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and mental health (EB152)

On 2 February 2023, IFPMA delivered a statement for the agenda item related to the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and mental health at the WHO EB152.

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Statement 1 Feb 2023

Universal health coverage (EB152)

On 1 February 2023, IFPMA delivered a statement for the agenda item related to universal health coverage at the 152 Session of the World Health Organization Executive Board.

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Statement 1 Feb 2023

Substandard and falsified medical products (EB152)

On 1 February 2023, IPSF submitted a statement delivered on behalf of IPSF, IAPO, and IFPMA for the WHO EB152 agenda item related to substandard and falsified medical products.

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Statement 31 Jan 2023

Strengthening the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience (EB152)

IFPMA delivered a constituency statement for the agenda item related to strengthening the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience at the 152nd session of the Executive Board at the World Health Organization in Geneva.

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External study 18 Jan 2023

Global disease surveillance and pathogen sharing

Following on the heels of COVID-19, global rules on pandemic preparedness and response are being overhauled. Negotiations on a Global Pandemic Accord will kick off in February 2023, and the International Health Regulations (IHR) on responding to global public health emergencies are being revised. Against that background, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) requested that...

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Press release 17 Jan 2023

IFPMA announces new head of communications

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), the body representing the research-based pharmaceutical industry to the United Nations and the global stage, announced that Elliot Dunster will be joining the trade body on 17 April as Executive Director of Communications. He will be taking over the role from Abigail Jones, who is retiring in the course of 2023.

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Statement 12 Jan 2023

Statement to the IHR Review Committee on amendments to the International Health Regulations

IFPMA encourages the consistent coordination of the INB and IHR processes to ensure a non-duplicative, fit-for-purpose outcome for all.

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Expert insight 12 Jan 2023

Vaccines are crucial to lifelong health and future global health security

Childhood vaccination is recognized as one of the greatest medical success stories of the 20th century. Apart from clean water, no other intervention has had a bigger impact on global public health, especially for children, their families, and communities. In fact, vaccines have done such a good job of eradicating, eliminating or controlling certain infectious diseases that many of us have forgotten, or no longer worry, that our children or loved ones might still contract diseases like polio, measles or diphtheria.

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