Expert insight 19 May 2023

How Universal Health Coverage makes SDGs doable

This article was originally published on Re:solve Global Health, 19 May 2023. As an investment in our shared future of well-being, Universal Health Coverage promises to leave no one behind. But its implementation is fraught with challenges, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) refers to the provision of health services and...

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Position paper 15 May 2023

IFPMA Note for Guidance on sponsorship of events and meetings (2023 update)

Collaborations between healthcare professionals (HCPs) and the pharmaceutical industry are essential and ensure that patients have access to the medicines they need and that healthcare professionals have up-to-date comprehensive information about the diseases they treat and the medicines they prescribe.

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Note for Guidance: Sponsorship of events and meetings
Statement 9 May 2023

IFPMA statement at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Universal Health Coverage

On 9 May, IFPMA read the following statement at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in New York.

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Statement 9 May 2023

IFPMA statement at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response

on 9 May, IFPMA read the following statement at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response in New York.

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Statement 8 May 2023

IFPMA statement for Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Tuberculosis

On 8 may, IFPMA read the following statement at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Tuberculosis (TB) in New York.

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Statement 5 May 2023

Comment on WHO announcement that COVID-19 no longer a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

IFPMA comment on WHO announcement that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a PHEIC.

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Expert insight 2 May 2023

The power of partnerships and innovation: Accelerating progress toward Universal Health Coverage by 2030

In a blog for PharmaBoardroom, Thomas Cueni shares his views on the innovative pharmaceutical industry’s role in bringing critical solutions to accelerate progress toward UHC, from lab to the last mile.

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Expert insight 28 Apr 2023

Progress in tackling antimicrobial resistance

Since antibiotics were discovered nearly a century ago, the rate of resistance growth is outpacing the rate at which new ones can be developed and be used against infections. If we lose this race, patient deaths will significantly increase from the current 1.2 million per year. The pharmaceutical industry recognized the impending crisis and set...

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Statement 27 Apr 2023

Open letter to G20 Ministers in support of the advancement of the G20 Health Agenda

On 27 April 2023, IFPMA and OPPI issued an open letter to Health Ministers of the G20, highlighting the innovative pharmaceutical industry support for G20 health priorities.

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Expert insight 26 Apr 2023

Why confidence in vaccines matters today and in the future?

During the pandemic, vaccines were at the top of the news agenda and at the forefront of people’s minds like never before. Scientists were celebrated on magazine covers, and vaccine makers became household names. The largest vaccination campaign in history helped to save millions of lives, protecting people from serious illness and helping our world...

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Statement 24 Apr 2023

24th WHO Expert Committee Meeting on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines

On 24 April, IFPMA delivered a statement at the 24th WHO Expert Committee Meeting on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines, held from 24-28 April 2023. 

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Position paper 21 Apr 2023

Reinforcing collaboration on Universal Health Coverage to deliver greater global health equity and health security

The innovative pharmaceutical industry stands together with other members of the global health community to support countries in accelerating their efforts to achieve UHC. Read our position paper.

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