Press release 10 Jun 2010

New industry position requires submission for journal publication of all phase III clinical trials

Industry Commits to Submit for Scientific Journal Publication the Results of all its Phase III Clinical Trials The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) today approved a “Joint Industry Position on the Publication of Clinical Trial Results in the Scientific Literature” 1 , previously approved by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and...

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Statement 21 May 2010

World Health Assembly on millennium development goals

UN Millennium Development Goals Statement by Mario Ottiglio, Advocacy & External Relations Manager, IFPMA, to the 63rd World Health Assembly under Agenda item 11.4, Monitoring the Achievement of the UN MDGs Honorable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Madame Director General, Ladies and Gentlemen, The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) represents the global R&D pharmaceutical industry, whose...

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Statement 19 May 2010

World Health Assembly on counterfeits

Counterfeit Medical Products Statement by Eduardo Pisani, Director General of the IFPMA, to the 63rd World Health Assembly Honorable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Madame Director General, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, the IFPMA, I welcome the opportunity presented by the World Health Assembly to address the public health issue...

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Statement 17 May 2010

World Health Assembly on pandemic influenza preparedness

IFPMA Statement under WHA 63 agenda item 11.1 on Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits Delivered by Eduardo Pisani, Director General, IFPMA Check against delivery Honorable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Madame Director General, Ladies and Gentlemen, The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) represents the global R&D pharmaceutical industry, whose...

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Press release 12 May 2010

IFPMA launches ten principles on counterfeit medicines

Fight against Counterfeit Medicines to protect Patients’ Health    The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) today launched its Ten Principles on Counterfeit Medicines, to re-focus attention on this issue and underline the R&D-based pharmaceutical industry’s stance in the global fight against counterfeit medicines. Mr Haruo Naito, President of the IFPMA, and President...

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Press release 11 May 2010

Launch of IFPMA developing world health partnerships directory 2010

Industry Programs to improve Global Health increase to 213  The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) today published the latest edition of its “Developing World Health Partnerships Directory”. This resource, updated annually, documents the long-term public-private partnerships to improve health in developing countries which are supported by IFPMA member associations and companies*, almost...

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Statement 20 Jan 2010

WHO Executive Board on pandemic preparedness

126th Session of the WHO Executive Board Agenda Item 4.1: Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits Delivered by Eduardo Pisani – check against delivery Mr Chairman, Madam Director General, distinguished members of the Executive Board, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, As new Director General of the International Federation...

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Press release 19 Jan 2010

Haiti: research-based pharmaceutical industry emergency aid exceeds USD 16.9 million

Emergency Cash and Medicine Donations already amount to more than USD 16.9 million The research-based pharmaceutical industry represented by the IFPMA is providing significant emergency aid following the major earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January. The total value of assistance provided so far by IFPMA member companies*, including both cash and donation of medicines...

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Video 20 Nov 2009

H1N1 (swine flu) & the R&D-based Pharmaceutical Industry

The R&D-based Pharmaceutical Industry’s response to the H1N1 influenza pandemic.

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Report 26 Jan 2007

Problems using the defined daily dose (DDD) as statistical basis for drug pricing and reimbursement (2007)

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Report 26 Jan 2006

Adaptive innovation, intellectual property and public interest

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