Press release 22 Mar 2011

Research-based pharmaceutical industry emergency aid for Japan earthquake and tsunami victims

The global research-based pharmaceutical industry represented by the IFPMA is providing significant funds to relief organisations following the major earthquake that struck Japan on 11 March 2011. The total cash value of assistance provided so far by IFPMA member companies already amounts to over USD 40 million, and several companies have also donated medicines and...

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Press release 8 Mar 2011

Technology transfer: A collaborative approach to improve global health

A paper published today by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), which represents the R&D-based pharmaceutical industry worldwide, documents the growing trend of technology transfer in medicines and vaccines. It also identifies the critical enabling conditions which allow technology transfer to contribute successfully to global economic development and health. Mr. Eduardo Pisani,...

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Press release 10 Feb 2011

IFPMA supports call for extension of TRIPS compliance deadline for least developed countries

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) today expressed the research-based pharmaceutical industry’s support for calls to extend the deadline for Least-Developed Countries to comply with the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Mr. David Brennan, President of the IFPMA and CEO of AstraZeneca, said: “We recognize...

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Report 26 Jan 2011

The pharmaceutical industry and global health: facts & figures

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Report 26 Jan 2011

Evidence on access to essential medicines for the treatment of HIV/AIDS

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Report 26 Jan 2011

Woman & child health partnerships for the developing world

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Report 26 Jan 2011

Improving access to medicines for non-communicable diseases in the developing world

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Report 26 Jan 2011

WHPA health improvement card

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Report 26 Jan 2011

A shared commitment to fight non-communicable disease

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Report 26 Jan 2011

Data exclusivity: Encouraging development of new medicines

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Report 26 Jan 2011

Population attitude to personal health: perception of health, understanding of risk factors, morbidity and mortality

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Press release 10 Nov 2010

IFPMA announces Amgen as new member company

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) is pleased to announce that Amgen has become its newest member company. IFPMA Director General Eduardo Pisani said: “Amgen is a major force in the increasingly significant biotech sector and is therefore an important and welcome addition to the IFPMA. Amgen will provide us with new...

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