Video 22 Dec 2011

Video by Daphne Mlotshwa, Permanent Mission of Botswana

IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum: Access to antiretrovirals in developing countries: towards a new landscape?

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Press release 28 Nov 2011

Global Pharmaceutical industry findings published in two international peer

Vaccine supply data from 157 countries shows that global vaccination levels remain low; while policy measures that directly impact patients are linked to higher levels of Influenza Vaccination.  Two studies being published this week in peer-reviewed journals look at global vaccination policies and use global vaccination provision data that had not been previously available. The...

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Press release 14 Nov 2011

APEC endorsement of principles for industry codes of ethics builds on IFPMA global code

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) welcomes the decision taken at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit to endorse “The Mexico City Principles for Voluntary Codes of Business Ethics in the Biopharmaceutical Sector”, often referred to as the “Mexico City Principles”. These principles are fully aligned with the IFPMA’s global Code of...

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Press release 26 Oct 2011

Global pharmaceutical industry welcomes new collaborative platform

IFPMA, the body representing the global research-based pharmaceutical industry, welcomes the creation of WIPO Re:Search, a new voluntary database for sharing intellectual property for R&D on medicines and vaccines for tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases. WIPO Re:Search was launched today in Geneva by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), and was followed by a...

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Press release 5 Oct 2011

Study on access to essential HIV/AIDS treatments shows political will as most important factor

A report “Evidence on Access to Essential Medicines for the Treatment of HIV/AIDS 1 The report funded by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) provides insights into what measures can substantially increase ART coverage levels to over 80%. The report studied seven countries from across the globe (Botswana, Brazil, India, Mexico, Rwanda,...

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Press release 19 Sep 2011

Global pharmaceutical industry contributes action plan and research to fighting NCDs in the developing world

To coincide with the United Nations High-Level Meeting on NCDs, the research-based pharmaceutical industry today outlined the steps it is taking to address the rise of NCDs in the developing world. Building on its Framework for Action released earlier this year, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) revealed the findings of the...

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Lilly recent history in natural products research, part 1

by Dr. Patrizia Carlevaro, Head of International Aid Unit, Eli Lilly and Company, Geneva IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Lilly recent history in natural products research, part 2

by Dr. Patrizia Carlevaro, Head of International Aid Unit, Eli Lilly and Company, Geneva IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity – Industry perspective, part 1

by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity – Industry perspective, part 2

  by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity – Industry perspective, part 3

by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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Video 30 Aug 2011

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Are proposals meeting CBD objectives – Conclusions, part 1

by Dr. Alan Oxley, Chairman APEC Centre, RMIT University, Melbourne IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

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