Video 18 Apr 2012

Biopharmaceutical innovation and legal certainty: the value of legal certainty

Presentation by Andrew Jenner, Director of Innovation, IP and Trade at the IFPMA. Geneva Pharma Forum on Biopharmaceutical Innovation and Legal Certainty (WIPO, 17 April 2012).

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Press release 1 Mar 2012

Expanded code of practice for pharmaceutical industry updates ethical and professional standards for interactions

Code extended to cover all interactions with healthcare professionals, medical institutions, and patient organizations Code provides effective framework for ethical business practices International patient organization welcomes new rules IFPMA encourages equally high standards across healthcare sector 1 March 2012, Geneva – Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) announced an expansion of...

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Press release 30 Jan 2012

Research-based pharmaceutical industry pledges 14 billion treatments to help end nine neglected tropical diseases

Donations focused on meeting new WHO targets for maximum impact against NTDs Builds on industry’s long‐standing record of innovating treatments for neglected tropical  diseases 30 January 2012, Geneva – Today the research-based pharmaceutical industry announced donations of 14 billion treatments this decade to support the elimination or control of nine key neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Averaging 1.4 billion treatments annually, the donations build upon companies’ existing medicines donation programmes which already reach millions of people around...

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Video 27 Jan 2012

IFPMA interviews on mental & neurological disorders: Marc Wortmann

  Marc Wortmann, Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Disease International, sits down with Ali Karami-Ruiz, IFPMA, to discuss latest trends on mental & neurological disorders.

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Video 27 Jan 2012

IFPMA Interviews on mental & neurological disorders: Dr. Shekhar Saxena

Dr. Shekhar Saxena, Director, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, sits down with Mario Ottiglio, IFPMA, to discuss latest trends on mental & neurological disorders.

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Video 27 Jan 2012

IFPMA Interviews on mental & neurological disorders: Norman Sartorius

Norman Sartorius, President of the Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes, sits down with Ali Karami-Ruiz, IFPMA, to discuss social challenges to fight mental & neurological disorders.

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Video 27 Jan 2012

IFPMA Interviews on mental & neurological disorders: Peter Hongaard

  Peter Hongaard, Senior VP of External Scientific Affairs for Lundbeck, sits down with Mario Ottiglio, IFPMA, to discuss the research challenges in the mental & neurological disorders arena.

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Report 27 Jan 2012

The New Frontiers of Biopharmaceutical Innovation

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Report 26 Jan 2012

Mental and neurological disorders: Innovative therapies, innovative collaborations

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Report 26 Jan 2012

Health by the numbers: results of the 2011 IFPMA wellness survey

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Report 26 Jan 2012

Developing world health partnership directory flyer

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Report 26 Jan 2012

BSR report: Working toward transformational health partnerships in low- and middle-income countries

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