Video 7 Nov 2012

26th IFPMA assembly – director general’s overview

Geneva, October 31, 2012 Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General

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Video 6 Nov 2012

26th IFPMA assembly – closing video


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Video 5 Nov 2012

I’m innovation

Nov 5, 2012 Mr. Innovation takes you on a quick, under-3-minute journey to discover his beginnings, his major achievements in health and other fields, and major challenges ahead. How has innovation made strides in global health? Can innovation win the fight against life-threatening diseases? Watch and find out.

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Video 1 Nov 2012

26th IFPMA assembly – IFPMA president’s inaugural address

Geneva, October 31, 2012 Dr. John C. Lechleiter, Chairman, President and CEO, Eli Lilly and Company  

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Press release 31 Oct 2012

Health leaders gather at 26th IFPMA assembly

• Conference draws more than 200 public and private sector health leaders to discuss role and contributions of biopharmaceutical innovation • Three corporate leaders outline industry’s commitment and call for a shared commitment to improving global health Today a biennial health conference brings together public and private sector leaders for an open dialogue on how...

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Press release 31 Oct 2012

New study highlights enabling factors for biopharmaceutical innovation in middle-income countries

Commissioned by IFPMA, the study identifies tailored, consistent long-term government policies as key factors to foster biopharmaceutical innovation An independent study on biopharmaceutical innovation in middle-income countries was released today at the 26 th IFPMA Assembly in Geneva. The report analyzed key national political and economic factors that foster biopharmaceutical innovation. The study, Policies that...

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Statement 31 Oct 2012

A shared commitment to improving global health

 Dr John Lechleiter, Chairman, President and CEO, Eli Lilly and Company; Mr Masafumi Nogimori,Chairman of the Board, Astellas Pharma Inc.; Dr. Stefan Oschmann, Merck Executive Board Member and Chief Executive Officer of Merck Serono statement written to coincide with the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) biennial health conference under the theme “Innovating...

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Video 30 Oct 2012

26 IFPMA assembly dinner – Sir George Alleyne – Geneva

Sir George Alleyne Director, Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB)

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Position paper 22 Oct 2012

Joint Industry Position on Medcrime Convention

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Press release 10 Oct 2012

Pharmaceutical industry shares new policy recommendations to address growing burden of mental and neurological disorders (MNDs)

Publication contains recommendations for governments and other stakeholders to address MNDs Research in this disease area is complex, time-consuming, and needs to be incentivized Launch coincides with World Mental Health Day to raise awareness on the burden of mental and neurological disorders on society Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) released...

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Press release 25 Sep 2012

Health by the Numbers shows the research-based pharmaceutical industry ‘walks the talk’ on health promotion

  Workplace wellness programs can be effective win-wins for employees and companies Report shows that pharmaceutical companies drive initiatives that boost health through disease prevention and management, reaching over 1.1 million employees worldwide IFPMA released Health by the Numbers, a report detailing the 2011 results of the IFPMA Wellness Survey. Through this assessment, IFPMA sought...

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Press release 11 Sep 2012

Developing World Health Partnerships Directory reflects pharmaceutical industry’s and partners’ commitment to improving health

Directory highlights commitment of the research-based pharmaceutical industry and partners to improve health in the developing world through 220 partnerships operating in more than 160 countries Launch coincides with the release of new BSR review evaluating these partnerships and providing recommendations for the future The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) published the...

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