Statement 26 Sep 2024

Statement from IFPMA at UN HLM on AMR 2024

On 26 September 2024, IFPMA submitted the following statement from the floor at the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR. Eight years after the first ever AMR high-level meeting we find ourselves at the precipice of turning the tide. The pharmaceutical industry heard the call to action at the first high-level meeting, and through establishing the...

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Expert insight 20 Sep 2024

A framework for trust and global solidarity for the next pandemic

Diplomats from around the world are convening again in Geneva to finalize marathon negotiations set up in 2021, to agree a new global framework that seeks to govern the global response to future pandemics. The stakes couldn’t be higher. This framework will set out how international collaboration will take place to prevent, prepare and respond...

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Expert insight 19 Sep 2024

How empowering healthcare professional voices can build public trust and vaccine uptake

To resuscitate public trust in vaccines and recover immunization rates we must change the way we communicate public health. A global program is blueprinting a way forward, starting with healthcare professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying infodemic, in which widespread proliferation of disinformation overwhelmed people with misleading information, exposed major deficiencies in public health communications...

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Statement 16 Sep 2024

Innovative pharmaceutical industry leaders reinforce ethics and business integrity in APEC economies and health sectors

IFPMA, with support and representation from industry leaders, joins stakeholders this week at the 11th Business Ethics for APEC SMEs Forum. This Forum – and the initiative on which it is based – supports the advancement of ethical business practices in the Asia-Pacific economies, with a focus on the health sector and wider health ecosystem....

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External study 12 Sep 2024

The value of prevention for economic growth and the sustainability of healthcare, social care and welfare systems (The European House – Ambrosetti)

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Press release 12 Sep 2024

Only an urgent shift towards prevention-based healthcare can secure economic stability for EU health systems, experts say

As Governments of EU Member States present their medium-term fiscal structural plans on 20 September, a new report developed by The European House – Ambrosetti, supported by IFPMA and Vaccines Europe, notes that embedding preventative healthcare – in particular immunisation – into EU Member States’ fiscal policies is paramount to ensure the economic sustainability of...

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Statement 9 Sep 2024

Eleventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)

On 9 September 2024, IFPMA delivered a statement at the eleventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) in Geneva, Switzerland. Thank you for this opportunity to continue being engaged in the INB process. The biopharmaceutical industry is committed to achieving a Pandemic Agreement that works. We believe it is possible to reach an agreement...

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Statement 29 Aug 2024

AMATA statement on the Framework for strengthening local production of medicines, vaccines, and other health technologies in the WHO African Region 2025-2035

On 29 August at the 74th WHO Africa Regional Committee Meeting in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, the African Medicines Agency Treaty Alliance delivered a statement on Agenda item 10: Framework for strengthening local production of medicines, vaccines, and other health technologies in the WHO African Region 2025-2035.

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Statement 28 Aug 2024

IFPMA statement on the Framework for strengthening local production of medicines, vaccines, and other health techonologies in the WHO African Region 2025-2035

On 28 August at the 74th WHO Africa Regional Committee Meeting in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, IFPMA submitted a statement on Agenda item 10: Framework for strengthening local production of medicines, vaccines, and other health technologies in the WHO African Region 2025-2035.

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Statement 12 Aug 2024

Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information (DSI)

On 12 August 2024, IFPMA delivered a statement at the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing for the use of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) in Montreal, Canada.

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Statement 16 Jul 2024

Tenth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)

On 16 July 2024, IFPMA delivered a statement at the tenth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Position paper 10 Jul 2024

Sustainable access to effective antibiotics

In a new position paper, IFPMA explores some of the challenges in ensuring access to safe and quality-assured antibiotics and propose a set of policy changes for consideration. 

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