Luka works across industry and the wider global health community on solutions to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). He manages IFPMA’s policy and advocacy work on AMR, including related cross-functional area of vaccines for AMR.
In particular, his work focuses on enabling AMR-related innovation, and on policies to improve the impact of vaccination to mitigate the threat of AMR. Luka also supports IFPMA activities on digital health.
Previously, Luka worked in the AMR Industry Alliance Secretariat, including as an interim Secretariat Lead. He was heavily involved in the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF), where he spent a year in its executive committee as the Chairperson of the European Regional Office.
Luka holds a master’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He completed part of his master thesis at the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Netherlands.
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