Open Innovation: Side Event at WIPO General Assemblies

22 September 2010 Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva

22 September 2010


18:30 to 21:30


Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva


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On behalf of various innovative industries, the IFPMA organized a cross-industry side event at the WIPO General Assemblies on Open Innovation on 22 September 2010. The importance of intellectual property, as a crucial incentive for innovation, was emphasized by all the participating industry sectors, but the key message was that innovation IP/knowledge is being shared more openly that ever before, as the business models within the different innovative sectors continue to evolve.

Numerous real-life examples, from the telecommunication, climate change and pharmaceutical industries, were mentioned by the speakers to show how “Open Innovation” is working in practice. Speaking for the pharmaceutical industry, Mr. Robert DeBerardine, Global Head of Patents for sanofi-aventis, underlined the importance of embracing this approach, as the search for new molecules offering real advances becomes increasingly challenging. The event appeared under the banner of the Coalition for Innovation, Employment and Development.


18.30 – 19.00

Welcome drinks

19.00 – 19.05

Introduction – Dr. Konji Sebati, Senior Advisor, Global Issues, WIPO

19.05 – 19.20

Open innovation: what it is and how it is changing business models – Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke, Hasselt University (Belgium), ESADE Business School (Spain)

19.20 – 19.30

Open innovation to expand communications – Mr. Stéphane Tronchon, Director IP Europe, Qualcomm

19.30 – 19.40

Open innovation to improve healthcare – Mr. Robert DeBarardine, Global Head of Patents, sanofi-aventis

19.40 – 19.50

Open innovation to tackle climate change – Mr. Thaddeus Burns, Senior Counsel, IP & Trade, General Electric

20.15 – 21.30

Cocktail Dinner
