Joint Event on Technology Transfer
26 January 2015
18:00 to 19:30
Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland
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The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and the Stop TB Partnership will organize an event on pharmaceutical technology transfer. The event will take place from 18:00 to 19:00 on Monday 26 January 2015, at the Intercontinental Hotel.
This session is intended to stimulate discussion about technology transfer as a tool for improving access to medicines with a case study focused on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). It is particularly relevant for national governments, UN agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and other decision makers involved in technology transfer and access to quality healthcare.
Panel speakers will include senior figures representing UN agencies and the R&D-based pharmaceutical industry as well as representatives of Geneva-based national missions and manufacturers in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs).
Panel Speakers
Ms. Malebona Precious Matsoso, Director General, South African National Department of Health
Dr. Zafar Mirza, Department of Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, World Health Organization
Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary, Stop TB Partnership
Mr. Barton R. Peterson, Senior Vice President, Corporate Aairs and Communications, Eli Lilly & Company Mr. Benjamin Potashnikov, Commercial Director, Biocom, Russia
In partnership with Stop TB Partnership
Introduction & Welcome
Mr. Mario Ottiglio, Director, Public Aairs and Global Health Policy, IFPMA
Panel Session
Ms. Malebona Precious Matsoso, Director General, South African National
Department of Health
Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary, Stop TB Partnership
Mr. Barton R. Peterson, Senior Vice President, Corporate Aairs and Communications,
Eli Lilly & Company
Dr. Zafar Mirza, Department of Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property,
World Health Organization
Mr. Benjamin Potashnikov, Commercial Director, Biocom, Russia
Questions & Answers

Dr Lucica Ditiu is the Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership since January
2011. A native of Romania, Dr Ditiu is a physician and a researcher, who has
devoted her career to improving the lives of people living in communities heavily
burdened by tuberculosis (TB).
In the last few years, Dr Ditiu has been instrumental in developing an operational
strategy for the Partnership, identifying key priorities. She led the process in the
transformation of the coordinating board to enable greater representation from
constituencies. She has deepened engagement with The Global Fund working with
the board, the secretariat and at the country level.
She has worked to ensure the provision of continued access of quality-assured TB
drugs and diagnostics through the Global Drug Facility. Dr Ditiu is a passionate
advocate for the cause of TB-affected communities and has been involved in
projects like the TB and Mining initiative in Southern Africa.
Looking ahead, Dr Ditiu hopes that she continues to bring stakeholders together to
fight against the TB epidemic.
Dr Ditiu began a career with the WHO in January 2000 as a medical officer for TB in
Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia within the disaster and preparedness unit of the
WHO European Regional Office. In this role she worked with all institutions involved
in TB care, including ministers of health and justice. In 2006 she was selected to be
a medical officer in the TB unit of the European Regional Office in Copenhagen.
In January 2010 Dr Ditiu joined the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat in Geneva to
lead the TB REACH initiative – a program that awards grants up to USD 1 million for
improving access to TB treatment.
In 1992 graduate of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Dr Ditiu
completed specialty training in pulmonology through a joint program with the
Romanian National Institute of Lung Diseases (Marius Nasta). In 1999, she
received a certificate in International Public Health from George Washington
University in Washington, DC, which she completed as a fellow in epidemiology of
lung diseases, TB control and program management and evaluation.

He is a medical doctor with a post-graduation specialization in public health,
focusing on pharmaceutical policies in developing countries. Before assuming this
important office at the WHO, he served as a Regional Adviser for Essential
Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies in the East Mediterranean Regional Office
of WHO based in Cairo, where he was responsible for 22 countries in his area of

Ms. Malebona Matsoso is director general in the Department of Health, a position
she has held since June 2010. She has a Master’s degree in Law and Ethics from
the University of Dundee, a degree in Pharmacy from the University of the Western
Cape, and a post-graduate diploma in Health Management from the University of
Cape Town. Ms. Matsoso has worked in both the public and private sector at
management level and was a director in public health innovation and intellectual
property in the office of the Director- General of the World Health Organization.
Former leadership positions include her appointment as a head of the Medicines
Control Council, serving as a member of the National Research Ethics Council of
South Africa, and as director of the Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicines
Program for the Department of Health.
Ms. Matsoso has been a member of various advisory panels locally and
internationally, with a primary focus on improving access to medicines.

Mario Ottiglio is Director at the IFPMA where he has been working since 2007 in
positions of increasing responsibility. Mario leads on global health policy,
coordinates IFPMA Members’ policy positions and conveys them to government
and UN Specialized Agencies officials. Mario also heads IFPMA’s public affairs and
communications efforts, developing partnerships and promoting active dialogue with
key stakeholders from governments, multilateral organizations, and civil society.
Prior to joining the IFPMA, Mario worked as a consultant for both the private sector
and governments. Mario holds an MA in Political Science from the Naples Eastern
University and is an Italian national.

Bart Peterson joined Eli Lilly and Company in June 2009 as senior vice president of
corporate affairs and communications. He is a member of the company’s executive
committee. Mr. Peterson received a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University in
1980 and earned his law degree at the University of Michigan in 1983.
From 2000 to 2007, Mr. Peterson served two terms as Mayor of Indianapolis, the
nation’s 12th largest city. He also served as President of the National League of
Cities in 2007. As mayor, along with Indiana University, Purdue University, Lilly, and
the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, he created BioCrossroads, a focused
effort to push Indianapolis to the forefront as a life sciences capital. Prior to joining
Lilly, Mr. Peterson was Managing Director at Strategic Capital Partners, LLC from
June 2008 to June 2009. During spring 2008, Peterson was a fellow with the
Institute of Politics of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. During
the 2008-2009 school year, Mr. Peterson was a Distinguished Visiting Professor of
Public Policy at Ball State University. He continues as a fellow with the University’s
Bowen Center for Public Affairs, as well as serving on their Board of Advisors.

Benjamin Potashnikov is Development Director of Biocom. Mr. Potashnikov’s
education background includes: North-Caucasus State Technical University (1996–
2001), with a specialization in finance and credit and a course of studies in good
manufacturing practices (GMP). Mr. Potashnikov also specialized in solid
pharmaceutical manufacturing and practical guidelines. Mr. Potashnikov’s main
interests include regulatory affairs, export, contract manufacturing, marketing,
research and development, supplies, external economic activity, and sales.