
Studies from around the world consistently show that healthcare professionals are highly trusted voices for vaccination. However, discussions with patients and caregivers about vaccination can be difficult.

This global program is blueprinting a scalable approach to equip and empower healthcare professionals to communicate more effectively on vaccination both in-person and online.

Irimi 2024


of people across 20 countries would accept vaccination if a health professional advised it



of family doctors felt uncomfortable discussing COVID-19 vaccination with patients



cohorts of HCP trainers in 2 countries across 2 regions with potential to expand the program to further 2 regions

Infodemiology training program

Short and flexible training for doctors and other health care providers on the evolving field of infodemiology.


Healthcare professionals can be multipliers of trust in vaccination

Healthcare professionals play a critical dual role in vaccination programs around the world. They administer vaccines and they provide reliable information to inform people and to address their questions or concerns. However, they rarely receive training for this second task.

Strong evidence from psychological and communication sciences suggests that how a healthcare professional speaks with (not at) a person is as important as what they say in supporting someone to come to an informed choice about their health. Healthcare professionals can be trained to have short dialogues with patients in the clinic which effectively increase the person’s receptivity to new information.

Some key principles of this program:

HCPs are voices, not just a communication channel

Don’t just distribute information through HCPs. Understand their needs, engage, equip and galvanise them with the skills to build trust in vaccines.

Build sustainability

The blueprint is built with mechanisms, such as training of trainers, to ensure localization and scalability for sustainability.

Partner for impact

Country partners can support implementation and take joint ownership of the program for sustainability.

Building core knowledge on vaccination

To have effective vaccine discussions, a healthcare professional needs foundational knowledge on vaccines and vaccination, and information to respond to emerging questions, concerns, and misinformation. This program is identifying and consolidating best-in-class online courses and communications assets on vaccines, vaccinology and vaccine communication. Key resources that are both authoritative and accessible will be openly available to HCPs worldwide on the Infodemiology.com platform.

Strengthening HCPs efficacy to recommend vaccines online and offline

With an eye to building sustainability and scalability, this program is running in-person trainings of trainers who may then go forth and teach other HCPs to communicate more effectively both in-person and online.

The first learning program teaches a simple yet potentially powerful relational algorithm called AIMS (Announce, Inquire, Mirror, Secure) to help HCPs have more effective vaccine-related conversations. Disagreement can feel like a threat, triggering a “fight-or-flight” response which clouds our ability to think rationally and trust. AIMS is a science-based approach to establishing trust, creating the relational conditions for greater receptivity to an HCPs advice. It is easy to learn and AIMS conversations can be surprisingly quick.

With ever increasing numbers of people seeking health information online, one HCP can potentially inform and reassure thousands of people about vaccines. A second training program teaches HCPs how to successfully and safely become social media influencers. Full of cutting-edge insights and tips, this live training program builds the confidence and skills of HCPs to effectively use social media to communicate with the public, and help them make informed decisions about their health.

Both teach-the-teacher programs are taught with a rich blended learning approach involving online videos and other resources and a dynamic and participative live training curriculum.

There will also be behavioral insights studies in each country to better understand the perceptions of HCPs on vaccines and advocating vaccines.

The program is currently running in Brazil and Japan, with a view to two other countries on two other continents in 2025. Training sessions were held in Brazil in June 2024 (see short video above).

The primary objective is to show that this approach to building healthier health information ecosystems is feasible and effective. We engage with many stakeholders in each country and region and will provide a blueprint of this full blended learning program, along with all materials (trainer guides, videos, worksheets), to partners who wish to cascade the trainings.

Ensuring that vaccination programs across the world continue to protect people and communities against terrible infectious diseases requires public trust. This program is taking a first step towards building back public confidence through enabling and multiplying trusted HCP voices.

Trainees discussing the AIMS methodology in Sao Paulo.

An enriching experience that provides an efficient tool for communicating and improving vaccination coverage

HCP trainee in Brazil

Healthcare professionals are highly trusted voices on health and vaccination. It is essential to engage and equip these multipliers of trust to communicate effectively if we are to build back public trust in vaccination.

Angus Thomson, PhD

Principal & Senior Social Scientist, Irimi, France; Adjunct Clinical Professor, Global Health Communication Center, Indiana University, USA

Expert insights 19 September 2024

How empowering healthcare professional voices can build public trust and vaccine uptake

To resuscitate public trust in vaccines and recover immunization rates we must change the way we communicate public health. A global program is blueprinting a way forward, starting with healthcare professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying infodemic, in which widespread proliferation of disinformation overwhelmed people with misleading information, exposed major deficiencies in public health communications...

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How empowering healthcare professional voices can build public trust and vaccine uptake

  • To rebuild a more resilient public trust in vaccines and recover immunization rates we must transform the way we communicate public health.
  • This takes investment, and the best starting point is to equip healthcare professionals to communicate more effectively.