IFPMA Notes for Guidance
The Ethos of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) is centered on trust to “act with integrity and honesty to improve patient care and build trust with those we serve and to respect the independence of healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders.”
The purpose of the various IFPMA “Notes for Guidance” is to provide additional interpretation and further guidance in relation to the relevant provisions of the Code of Practice. Notes for Guidance are non-binding and must be read with the spirit of the Code in mind and always in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and other applicable industry codes.
IFPMA member companies and member associations and anyone acting on their behalf are encouraged to consider the guidance given in Notes for Guidance when implementing the IFPMA Code of Practice in their daily practice.
The intention of Notes for Guidance is for the cooperation between companies, HCPs, and other stakeholders to always be based on high ethical standards and to clearly aim to benefit patients.