
Pharmaceutical companies are at the forefront of developing medicines and vaccines that change how we fight and prevent disease and help solve today’s biggest health challenges.

In addition to their contribution to healthier societies, pharmaceutical companies play an important role in boosting the global economy and employment, and driving growth and prosperity around the world.

The Facts & Figures report examines the most recent available data on:

  • The pharmaceutical innovation journey,
  • Latest advances in science and the current research and development (R&D) pipeline;
  • Our impact on global health;
  • Our economic footprint.

The #AlwaysInnovating campaign brings these facts and figures to life.

As governments around the world face significant challenges, our industry is committed to bringing our expertise and experience to overcome them.

David Reddy

Director General, IFPMA

Report cover for Always Innovating: Pharmaceutical Industry Facts & Figures

Read the report

This report underlines the ongoing commitment of the pharmaceutical industry to push the limits of scientific knowledge to advance new medicines and vaccines for the benefit of people everywhere.

Dive into the data

The Facts & Figures report and #AlwaysInnovating campaign reveal the work and impact of the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to evidence-based policy making in the global health arena, and making the investment case in healthcare and innovation.

Embedding data into decision-making is essential to accelerating innovation and global health progress.

Facts & Figures report: Chapter 1 - The pharmaceutical innovation journey Icon of lab equipment (liquids and vessels)

1. The pharmaceutical innovation journey

Innovation by the pharmaceutical industry is essential for producing breakthrough products that advance healthcare.

Developing a new medicine or vaccine is a complex, costly, and lengthy process. On average, only 0.01% or 0.02% of compounds synthesized in laboratories will make it to market. Only 10% of compounds that enter clinical development progress to market entry. Innovative pharmaceutical companies make substantial investments in high-risk R&D, with clinical trials accounting for about half of their R&D costs.

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are fundamental to protect innovations and to incentivize innovators to embark on the long and risky journey of pharmaceutical R&D. Generics and biosimilars, which are widely used globally, could simply not be produced without IPRs that encourage breakthrough innovations in the first place.

Facts & Figures report: Chapter 2 - Advancing innovation Icon of microscope

2. Advancing innovation

Substantial efforts in high-risk R&D continue to drive pharmaceutical innovation and over 69 novel active substances (NASs) were launched globally in 2023.

The global pipeline for medicines and vaccines is comprised of thousands of compounds at different stages of development, tackling multiple disease areas.

Over the years, pharmaceutical advances have transformed diseases once considered deadly into manageable or even curable conditions today. Recent pharmaceutical innovation has led to breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease, obesity management, cancer treatment, curative and disease-modifying gene therapy, gene editing, and vaccine development.

Looking ahead, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), as well as advancements in biotherapeutic medicines, gene editing, and precision medicine, hold great promise to revolutionize healthcare.

Infographic for Chapter 2 of the Facts & Figures report
Facts & Figures report: Chapter 3 - Driving health progress Icon of sphere with health localization

3. Driving progress in global health

Global health challenges, such as emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and climate change have detrimental effects on people worldwide, particularly those living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Coordination from the global stakeholder community is fundamental to tackle these complex issues. Medicines and vaccines are key components of healthcare systems, and offer value from health, economic, and societal perspectives. Advances in pharmaceutical innovation have allowed people to live longer lives, revolutionized the management of several diseases, and enabled people to actively participate in society and contribute to economic growth.

Despite this key role of medicines and vaccines for societies, access to medicines and quality healthcare is poor for many people around the world and especially in LMICs, primarily due to local factors. Recognizing this, pharmaceutical companies engage in various initiatives to strengthen health systems, improve access to medicines, and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Infographic of Chapter 3 of the Facts & Figures report
Facts & Figures report: Chapter 4 - Contributing to the global economy and employment Icons of group of people

4. Contributing to the global economy & employment

The pharmaceutical industry is the most R&D intensive among similar R&D-intensive industries.

In addition to its contribution to innovation and improvements in individuals’ quality of life, the activities of the pharmaceutical industry positively impact the global economy, having direct, indirect, and induced effects on the global gross domestic product (GDP).

The industry also contributes to sustaining the global workforce and employs many people in R&D, which require specialized training, technical skills, and education.

Infographic for Chapter 4 of the Facts & Figure report

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Discover the pharmaceutical industry’s critical role in bringing new medicines and vaccines and our impact on societal well-being and economic prosperity.

If you wish to reproduce the tables and graphs in our report, please contact our communications team.
