2016 IFPMA General Assembly

30 November 2016 The Ritz Carlton Pentagon City

30 November 2016


08:00 to 13:30


The Ritz Carlton Pentagon City


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The 28th IFPMA Assembly is a high-level global health forum to discuss key healthcare issues. This year’s Assembly brought together more than 130 global health leaders from intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, academia, stakeholders, partners, and the research-based pharmaceutical industry to discuss the sustainable use of innovative medicines by patients in 2030.

The Assembly featured high-level discussions that focus on pharmaceutical innovation and its contributions to improving health around the world. Two moderated discussions highlighted the challenges and opportunities for innovative medicines.


08:00 am

Registration and breakfast

09:00 am

Mr Eduardo Pisani – Director General

09:05 am

Opening address
Dr Stefan Oschmann – President
Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

09:25 am

Keynote address
Prof Peter J Hotez – Dean
National School of Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine

10:00 am

Moderated discussion 1
How do we ensure sustainable use of innovative medicines by patients in 2030?: the challenges

Moderator: Mr Riz Khan
International Journalist

Dr Cary Adams – Chief Executive Officer
Union for international Cancer Control

Dr Anselm Hennis – Director
Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health,
Pan American Health Organization

Dr Andreas Seiter – Senior Health Specialist, Pharmaceuticals
World Bank

Prof Kenji Shibuya – Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health Policy
The University of Tokyo

Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger – President and CEO
Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders

11:00 am

Morning tea

11:20 am

Moderated discussion 2
How do we ensure sustainable use of innovative medicines by patients in 2030?: the opportunities

Moderator: Mr Riz Khan
International Journalist

Prof Peter J Hotez – Dean
National School of Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine

Dr Brendan Shaw – Assistant Director General

Ms Mary Lou Valdez – Associate Commissioner for International Programs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Dr Bente Mikkelsen – Head of Secretariat
Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases
World Health Organization

Prof John Reeder – Director
Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)

12:20 pm

Mr Ian C. Read – Incoming President
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

12:40 - 1:30 pm

Networking lunch


Mr Riz Khan International Journalist Television Host and Author

Few people have conducted the variety of high-profile interviews
across such a diverse range of issues as Riz Khan. From world leaders
and business icons to film and music celebrities, Khan has led the
field of international one-on-one interviews while hosting flagship
news and current affairs shows at the world’s three major global
news networks. Trust and credibility built up over 25 years have given
Khan access to key newsmakers on every continent. Becoming the
BBC’s first person of South Asian origin in mainstream news – and
co-anchoring the very first show on BBC World Service TV News in
November 1991 – gave Khan an acclaimed public visibility that grew
even more when CNN International hired him in 1993 as its leading
news figure. In 1996, he launched his flagship interview show, Q&A
with Riz Khan – featuring heads of state, celebrities and other
leading figures taking calls from viewers around the world on live TV.
In 2005, he moved to Al Jazeera becoming a founding director of the
now globally acclaimed network Al Jazeera English, where he hosted
Riz Khan and Riz Khan’s One on One. In 2013, he launched a weekly
topical show Riz Khan’s Q&A on Bloomberg TV Africa. Khan’s career
at the very cutting edge of the international news industry, combined
with a dynamic and highly engaging delivery, makes Khan one of the
most recognized and respected people on the global events circuit.

Mr Eduardo Pisani Director General, IFPMA

Eduardo Pisani is Director General of the International Federation of
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA). He became
Director General of IFPMA in January 2010. In his current role, he leads
the dialogue between research-based pharmaceutical companies and
associations with the United Nations specialized agencies, and other
international organizations and global health stakeholders.
A Doctor in Law of the University of Catania, Italy, Eduardo
contributed to the development of policy and access initiatives in
different disease areas, as well as to industry associations’ work
on key international policy issues. He came to the IFPMA from
Bristol-Myers Squibb, a company he joined in 2001, and in which he
had risen to the position of Vice-President, International Policy and
Government Affairs. Prior to that, Eduardo held positions as Corporate
Counsel at Immuno AG in Brussels and Vienna, at Baxter Healthcare
in Belgium and Italy, and in European Policy and Government Affairs
at Adamson Associates and SmithKline Beecham in Brussels.
He started his career in 1989, in the marketing department of
Lederle France. He is a member of the Board in various organizations,
including the PAHO Foundation, the Pharmaceutical Security Institute
(PSI), and a standing observer to the Management Committee of the
International Council for Harmonization of T

Dr Stefan Oschmann President, IFPMA, Chairman of the Executive Board, CEO, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt

Stefan Oschmann, born on July 25, 1957 in Würzburg, Germany,
has been Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Merck since
May 2016. Previously, Stefan Oschmann served as the Vice Chairman
and Deputy CEO. In this role he was responsible for strategy
development of the whole Merck Group.
Stefan Oschmann joined Merck in 2011 as CEO of the Biopharma division
and Member of the Executive Board. He led the transformation of
Biopharma by optimizing the cost structure and improving the efficiency
of the Research & Development model, including a clear portfolio
prioritization. From 2013 to 2014 he was responsible for Merck’s
Healthcare businesses. In that role he oversaw Biopharma, Consumer
Health, Allergopharma and Biosimilars.
Before joining Merck, Stefan Oschmann worked for U.S. pharma
company MSD, where he served as President of Emerging Markets.
Other positions included Member of Senior Management and
Corporate Officer with responsibility for the business in Europe,
the Middle East, Africa and Canada; Senior Vice President in charge
of Worldwide Human Health Marketing as well as Vice President of
Europe and the German business.
Stefan Oschmann started his career at the International Atomic
Energy Agency IAEA in 1985, before moving to the German Animal
Health Federation (BfT), a member association of the German
Chemical Industry Association (VCI), in 1987.
Stefan Oschmann studied veterinary medicine at Ludwig-
Maximilians-Universität in Munich from 1977 to 1982 and earned a
doctorate there in 1985. He is married and has two children.

Dr Peter J. Hotez Dean, National School of Tropical Medicine Baylor College of Medicine

Peter J. Hotez, M.D., Ph.D. is Dean of the National School of Tropical
Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology &
Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine where he is also chief of
a new Section of Pediatric Tropical Medicine and the Texas Children’s
Hospital Endowed Chair of Tropical Pediatrics. He is the President of the
Sabin Vaccine Institute.
Dr Hotez is an internationally-recognized physician-scientist in
neglected tropical diseases and vaccine development. He leads the
only product development partnership for developing new vaccines
for hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and Chagas disease, diseases
affecting hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide.
In 2006 at the Clinton Global Initiative he co-founded the Global
Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases to provide access to essential
medicines for hundreds of millions of people.
He obtained his undergraduate degree in molecular biophysics from
Yale University in 1980 (phi beta kappa), followed by a Ph.D. degree in
biochemical parasitology from Rockefeller University in 1986 and an
M.D. from Weil Cornell Medical College in 1987. Dr Hotez has authored
more than 400 original papers and is the author of the acclaimed
Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases (ASM Press).
Dr Hotez served previously as President of the American Society of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and founding Editor-in-Chief of PLoS
Neglected Tropical Diseases. He is an elected member of the National
Academy of Medicine and in 2011 he was awarded the Abraham Horwitz
Award for Excellence in Leadership in Inter-American Health by the Pan
American Health Organization of the WHO.
In 2015 the White House and U.S. State Department selected Dr Hotez
as a United States Science Envoy.

Dr Cary Adams CEO, Union for International Cancer Control

Born in London, Cary Adams has a BSc Honours degree in Economics,
Computing and Statistics from the University of Bath, United Kingdom
and a Masters degree (with Distinction) in Business Administration.
He is a Harvard Business School Alumni having attended the School’s
Executive General Management programme in 2003. In 2014 he was
awarded an Honorary Doctorate in International Relations from the
University for Business and International Studies in Geneva,
and in 2015 an Honorary Doctorate in Health from Bath University.
Cary and the UICC team focus on global advocacy, convening the cancer
community (through World Cancer Day, the World Cancer Congress
and the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit) and running significant global
capacity building projects that address global cancer issues.
Cary was awarded “CEO of the year” in 2015 at the International and
European Association conference organized by the Associations Network.

Dr Anselm Hennis Director of Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, Pan American Health Organization

Dr Anselm Hennis, MB.BS, MSc., PhD, FRCP(UK), FACP is Director,
of the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health,
PAHO/WHO. This Department provides technical cooperation on
noncommunicable diseases, risk factors, nutrition, and mental health
throughout the Americas. Dr Hennis qualified in Medicine (University
of the West Indies; UWI) and specialized in Internal Medicine in
the UK. He was Wellcome Fellow to the London School of Hygiene
& Tropical Medicine, UK, obtaining a masters and doctorate in
Epidemiology. He has held positions as Professor of Medicine and
Epidemiology (UWI), and Research Associate Professor,
Stony Brook University, NY. Dr Hennis has collaborated on NIHfunded
studies authoring or co-authoring 150 papers. He has trained
physicians, public health practitioners and researchers; and advised
governments, federal and international agencies.

Dr Andreas Seiter Senior Health Specialist, Pharmaceuticals, World Bank

Andreas Seiter is a Senior Health Specialist and expert for pharmaceutical policy and management in the World Bank’s Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice. He has been with the Bank since January 2004 and works on all areas of pharmaceutical policy, such as regulation, governance, quality assurance, financing, pharmacy benefit management, supply chain and rational use. He has been working with Bank teams, policy makers and experts on the client side in more than 30 countries in all regions

Prof. Kenji Shibuya Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health Policy The University of Tokyo

Dr Shibuya obtained his MD at the University of Tokyo in 1991 and started
his career at Teikyo University‘s Ichihara Hospital in Chiba, Japan. In 1999,
Dr Shibuya earned a doctorate of public health in international health
economics at Harvard University. After teaching at Teikyo University in
Tokyo, he joined the WHO in 2001 and was coordinator for the Health
Statistics and Evidence Unit from 2005 until 2008. He has published widely
on burden of disease and health system performance assessment.

Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger President and CEO Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders

Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger is Past-Chair of the International Alliance
of Patient Organizations, Board Member of Rare Disease International,
and Board Member representing patient interests at DIA International
Association. In Canada, she is President of the Institute for Optimizing Health
Outcomes, President of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders and
chair of the Consumer Advocare Network, and member of the Patient Liaison
Forum for the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. She is a
certified Health Coach and licensed T-Trainer with the Stanford-based Living
A Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions. Durhane has a PhD in psychology and
was professor at the University of Windsor, Canada for 25 years.

Dr Brendan Shaw Assistant Director General

Brendan Shaw is Assistant Director General at IFPMA and was appointed in 2014. Brendan assists the Director General in leading on a range of policy and representational functions particularly in innovation policy, intellectual property, trade, health technology assessment, ethics, compliance and vaccines.
Brendan holds an honors degree in economics from the University of Queensland and a PhD in management, business and economics from Monash University.
Prior to joining IFPMA, Brendan was Chief Executive of the Australian pharmaceutical industry association, Medicines Australia, and before that was the senior executive at MA in charge of health policy and research. Brendan has also worked as an economist and policy advisor in government and politics, in academia and as a consultant.

Ms Mary Lou Valdez Associate Commissioner for International Programs, Food and Drug Administration

Mary Lou Valdez joined the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
as Associate Commissioner for International Programs on January 4,
2009. In close alignment with the FDA program centers and offices,
OIP is the hub of the agency’s international activity. Ms Valdez
leads and manages OIP staff around the world, catalyzing FDA
global engagement in collaboration with international health and
regulatory partners, ministries of health and agriculture, other U.S.
Government Agencies, industry, academia, multilateral organizations,
and related stakeholders. In addition to FDA headquarters, OIP staff
is strategically located in China (Beijing), Europe (Belgium and the
United Kingdom), India (New Delhi), Latin America (San Jose, Costa
Rica, and posts in Santiago, Chile, and Mexico City, Mexico).
Ms Valdez has a Master of Science in Management from the
University of Maryland University College, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Texas at El Paso. She is proficient
in reading, writing and speaking Spanish. Ms Valdez came to the
FDA after serving 18 years as Deputy Director of the Office of Global
Health Affairs (OGHA) in the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS), where she was extensively involved in international
health diplomacy. As Deputy Director, Ms Valdez led from August
2003 to December 2008 the development of U.S. policy positions
on a wide range of complex public health issues, promulgated them
within the governance processes of multilateral organizations,
and conducted negotiations with other member governments that
resulted in the successful acceptance of many of these positions
within the larger international community. Ms Valdez has extensive
experience in hands-on negotiations and diplomacy as a member
of the U.S. government delegations in meetings of the governing
bodies of multilateral organizations. These organizations include
the World Health Organization Executive Board and the World
Health Assembly, the Executive Board of the United Nations (UN)
Children’s Fund, the Pan American Health Organization’s Executive
Committee, Directing Council, and Pan American Sanitary Conference,
the Health Committee of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development, and UN special sessions and councils, including the UN
Special Session for Children in 2002.

Dr Bente Mikkelsen Head of Secretariat Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases World Health Organization

Bente Mikkelsen is Head of Secretariat for the Global Coordination
Mechanism on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
(WHO GCM/NCD) at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
The WHO GCM/NCD is tasked by WHO Member States to enhance the
coordination of activities, multi-stakeholder engagement and action
across sectors in order to contribute to the implementation the WHO
global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable
diseases 2013–2020. She is a former CEO of the Southern and Eastern
Norway Regional Health Authority (70,000 employees, 8 billion USD
budget). Dr Mikkelsen is trained as a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
and holds a Master in Health Administration and Management degree
from the University of Oslo. Her current focus is on the implementation
of the Global Action Plan on NCDs in the context of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), WHO reform, integration by working across
sectors and beyond health, on innovation and new technologies.

Prof. John Reeder Director, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organization

for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, at the World Health
Organization in Geneva. He was previously Director of the Centre for
Population Health and Head of the Office of International Health Research
at the Burnet Institute, Melbourne. Prior to this he was Director of the
Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research for several years,
where he worked on translating scientific findings into policy for improved
health. He has authored around 160 scientific papers that span basic
laboratory research to large community- based field studies.

Mr Ian C. Read Chairman of the Board, IFPMA and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer

Ian Read is Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer, the world’s largest research-based
biopharmaceutical company, which discovers, develops, manufactures and
markets a broad portfolio that spans the entire spectrum of human and animal
health products. He is also a member of the company’s Board of Directors.
Previously, he served as Senior Vice President, Pfizer Inc, and Group
President of the Worldwide Biopharmaceutical Businesses, which
he led from 2006 through December 2010. In that role, he oversaw
five global business units — Primary Care, Specialty Care, Oncology,
Established Products and Emerging Markets.
Ian began his career with Pfizer in 1978 as an operational auditor. He
worked in Latin America through 1995, holding positions in a number
of Pfizer’s largest, fastest-growing operations, including Chief Financial
Officer, Pfizer Mexico, and Country Manager, Pfizer Brazil. In 1996,
Ian was appointed President of Pfizer’s International Pharmaceuticals
Group, with responsibility for Latin America and Canada. He became
Executive Vice President, Europe in 2000, was named a Corporate Vice
President in 2001, and assumed responsibility for Canada, in addition
to Europe, in 2002. Ian later became accountable for operations in both
the Africa/Middle East region and Latin America as well.
Ian received his B.Sc. in chemical engineering from London University
Imperial College in 1974. He earned his Chartered Accountants certification
from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales in 1978.
Ian serves on the Board of Kimberly-Clark as well as on the U.S.
Council for International Business and the European Federation of
Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.


Supporting documents
